

The CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM) is led by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). The IFPRI Director General (DG) and IFPRI Board are responsible for the performance of the program.

The PIM Program Director manages the Program Management Unit (PMU), chairs the Management Committee, and is accountable to the DG of the Lead Center and the Lead Center Board for all aspects of the program’s performance.

The Independent Steering Committee (ISC) provides independent advice to the Management Committee and the Lead Center Director General on strategic directions, research priorities and focus, and relevant management and partnership issues for PIM.

Flagship and Cluster leaders provide the strategic direction to the flagships/clusters, contribute to resource mobilization and development of partnerships, assist with design of detailed annual work programs, provide technical guidance for quality assurance, report on progress and budget execution, and track outcomes and impact.

The Management Committee (MC) consists of the Program Director, the Flagship leaders, the Gender Platform coordinator, a representative of Centers with significant contribution to the program, and a representative of implementation partners. The MC assists the Director inter alia in developing the work program, overseeing its implementation, assuring adequate monitoring and evaluation (M&E), implementing the partnerships strategy, and raising funds.

The Program Management Unit provides operational support to the Program Director and the Management Committee.

For more details, see Who Does What in PIM (PDF)