

Six areas of emphasis (flagships):

Flagship 1: Technological Innovation and Sustainable Intensification

Foresight modeling for climate change, new technologies, and shifts in demand ● Policy options, investment, and regulatory reform to support agricultural innovation ● New approaches to meeting farmers’ needs for information.
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Flagship 2: Economywide Factors Affecting Agricultural Growth and Rural Transformation

Policy options to promote inclusive rural growth and transformation ● Agriculture as a source of jobs as well as food ● Public investments for vibrant rural areas ● The political economy of agricultural policy reforms.
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Flagship 3: Inclusive and Efficient Value Chains

Making food markets work for the poor ● Evaluating the impact of trade policies on value chains, income, and food security ● Measuring and reducing food losses ● Interventions to improve the efficiency of agricultural value chains ● Innovations in crop insurance that work for poor farmers ● Lessons in scaling up interventions.
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Flagship 4: Social Protection for Agriculture and Resilience

Cash, food, or vouchers—which and when? ● Programs that deliver more security and better nutrition at lower cost ● Linking social protection and agricultural development ● What does it mean to graduate? ● What works in fragile and conflict-affected setting?
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Flagship 5: Governance of Natural Resources

Strengthening tenure over land, water, trees, and other natural resources for the poor, particularly women ● Facilitating shared use of resources within landscapes ● Governance of natural resources for sustainability and harmony.
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Flagship 6: Cross-cutting Gender Research and Coordination

Gender dimensions of agricultural growth and rural transformation ● Women’s empowerment: measurement, why it matters, and how to foster it ● Gender equality in decision making, control of assets, and benefits ● Collaborative gender research
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Each of the main research topics (‘flagships’) includes several subtopics (‘clusters’) and aims to achieve specific goals that in turn will contribute to the strategic goals of CGIAR as a whole.

See also:

PIM Impact Pathway and Theory of Change
PIM Flagship and Cluster leaders
Quarterly updates from PIM research flagships

Banner photo: S. Mojumder/Drik/CIMMYT