

This UNFSS Science Days side event will present evidence from a new study of the value of ecosystem services from the commons in India, as well as how strengthening governance of the commons can support equitable food systems.
On the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, we highlight the case of Kacholiya to reinstate the “power of people” helping the “power of nature to heal itself” and celebrate commons as a promising solution to address climate change, for both global and local well-being.
Select 2019 journal articles from PIM and partners on natural resource governance.
There is growing awareness that water management rules must be adapted to the specific social-ecological-technical context - but this remains a major challenge.
India’s National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (NREGS) is one of the largest public works programs globally. The new study analyses impact of NREGS on key welfare measures of its beneficiaries - consumption expenditure, nutritional intake, and asset accumulation.
While agricultural insurance has been around for a long time, its adoption by smallholders around the world has been limited. High costs, asymmetric information, moral hazard, lack of trust are among the reasons. Join our webinar on September 19 to learn about two innovative approaches to agricultural insurance that aim to overcome these challenges.
I grew up in Tamil Nadu, south India. It was a dry area, but a good well supplied our house and a few other houses around us. Then one year a farmer nearby installed a deeper well with an electric pump, and our well ran dry. That started a “race to the bottom”: As more and more farmers got pumpsets, the water table continued to fall and everyone had to deepen their wells to keep up.
A new methodology to assess the poverty impacts of value chain development in a gender-responsive way is set to prove
This summary is based on the blog story by Suresh Babu originally written for FARMD (Forum for Agricultural Risk Management