PIM News: April 2020


May 5, 2020

Welcome to the April edition of PIM News!

In step with the rest of the world, PIM researchers have re-focused a significant portion of their time and efforts toward the COVID-19 pandemic. Below, you will find blogs, briefs, tools, and other outputs that provide insights from newly collected information as well as from lessons from previous global shocks.

We also showcase other work that has just been released and celebrate the 50th anniversary of Earth Day with a blog that features a longstanding collaboration of PIM with the Foundation for Ecological Security in India (FES) to restore degraded common lands in India. For more than one year, PIM has joined with FTA and WLE to provide stronger CGIAR support to the Promise of Commons initiative that FES leads.

I wish you good reading and good health!

Frank Place, PIM Director

See an excerpt with our featured recent publications below and read the full issue here>>


Climate smart agriculture and global food-crop production

De Pinto, Cenacchi, Kwon, Koo, and Dunston
 show that climate smart agriculture can contribute to increasing agricultural production under unfavorable climate regimes while contributing to the reduction of GHG. (Open Access)

Valuation and aspirations for drip irrigation in Punjab, Pakistan

Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 
Results of the study by Bell, Ward, Muhammad, and Davies suggest a number of ways through which drip irrigation may transform Pakistan’s agricultural landscape and for enhancing its adoption. (Open Access)

Modelling the global economic consequences of a major African swine fever outbreak in China

Nature Food
Mason-D’Croz et al use two linked global economic models to explore the consequences of different scales of the epidemic on pork prices and on the prices of other food types and animal feeds. The models project global pork prices increasing by 17–85% and unmet demand driving price increases of other meats. (Open Access)

Information and communication technologies to provide agricultural advice to smallholder farmers: Experimental evidence from Uganda

American Journal of Agricultural Economics
Van Campenhout, Spielman, and Lecoutere evaluate the effectiveness of an ICT‐mediated approach (through video, SMS, and interactive voice response service) to deliver agricultural information to small‐scale maize farmers in eastern Uganda, finding the video messaging the most effective. (Open Access)

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