

This 1st webinar in the series will focus on dynamics and impacts of migration on gender relations in agriculture and natural resource domains.
Studies of palm oil, cacao and small ruminant value chains showing how protective policies affect prices for producers and consumers.
Rangelands cover 54% of the world’s land surface and support millions of people, yet only 10% of national climate plans include references to rangelands.
EnGendering Data Blog
How can we learn about women’s empowerment when large-scale survey data are not available? Big data generated from mobile phones can help fill in gender data gaps.
Results indicate that PNG households may have reduced rice consumption as much as 15% or more, with the urban poor experiencing the greatest losses.
PIM Flagship 5 (Governance of Natural Resources) colleagues will participate in the virtual conference on Water Commons on May 19-21, 2021
How can women’s voices be amplified in a situation of prevailing patriarchal norms? Evidence from a civil society mapping project in Mali.
Two recent studies from researchers at IFPRI, KU Leuven, and UN FAO aim to improve the way food loss is studied and measured in order to provide a clearer policy roadmap.
EnGendering Data Blog
Advancing women’s land rights is a priority for the international development agenda. Yet, there is no consensus on which rights should be monitored and reported.