Metrics for Agricultural Transformation: Update on Recent and Ongoing Developments


by mallen | April 23, 2013

A workshop on "Metrics for Agricultural Transformation: Update on Recent and Ongoing Developments" was held at IFPRI on April 19, 2013. Co-hosted by USAID and DANIDA, the participants shared information on the current status of the fast-tracked Agribusiness module (the BBA); took stock of evolving thinking on metrics for agricultural development since the June 2012 Copenhagen meeting; reflected on implications for development of an Agricultural Transformation Index (ATI); and considered next steps to move the agenda forward.

A few of the presentations are provided:

Benchmarking the Business of Agriculture, Augusto Lopez-Claros, International Finance Corporation (IFC) and Graham Dixie, World Bank

Sustainability and Environmental Metrics, Craig Hanson, World Resources Institute

Policy-related Distortions to Agricultural Incentives: Why do we care? How do we measure them? How do we use the measures? John Nash, World Bank

Measuring policy impacts in Africa: Lessons from MAFAP, Jean Balié and Mulat Demeke, FAO, Rome

Comparative Science, Technology, and Innovation Systems in Developing-Country Agriculture: What Can We Measure and What Can We Not? David Spielman, IFPRI

The Challenges of a Decision-Oriented, Multisectoral Index, Tony Simons, ICRAF/World Agroforestry Centre

The development of ATNI: valuable lessons, Inge Kauer, Access to Nutrition Index