Impact >> PIM Outcomes
Ag-Incentives: A global database monitoring agricultural incentives and distortions to inform better policies (December 2022)
Quality local seeds to farmers: Supporting seed system development in Uganda and Nepal (July 2021)
Supporting Egypt’s safety net programs for better nutrition and food security, inclusiveness, and effectiveness (July 2021)
PIM achievements in 2019: Highlights
Strengthened seed regulations and certification system in Afghanistan (2015-2019)
Supporting Ghana's agricultural mechanization program to better meet the needs of smallholder farmers (2016-2019)
A digital agricultural advisory services platform to boost adoption of improved technologies and practices in Ethiopia (2017-2019)
Improving tenure security for pastoralists in East Africa (2010-2019)
A new gender policy on agriculture in Nigeria (PIM outcome story featured in the 2019 CGIAR Performance Report)
2019 CGIAR Outcome Impact Case Reports collection (filter for PIM in the "Research Program" field)
Guiding policies to promote agricultural growth, food security, and adaptation to climate change in the Philippines (2014-2018)
Toward improving household welfare and child nutrition through social protection in Mali (2014-2019)
Building resilience through joint village land use planning in Tanzania (2015-ongoing)
Evidence informs seed system development and scaling in Ethiopia (2013-2018)
Findings based on the WEAI lead to greater gender focus in decisions and programs (ongoing/2018)
Enhancing the performance of safety net programs to improve women and children’s nutrition in Bangladesh (2018)
Informing the design of development strategies and investment plans around the world (2018)
Ag-Incentives Consortium improves global data on agricultural policies (2013-2018)
Strengthening resilience of rural households through improved social protection (2012-2016)
South Africa implements a national strategy to support community seed banks (2013-2016)
Measuring women’s empowerment in agriculture (2012-2016)
Extension services in Rwanda take up the volunteer farmer trainer approach (2016)
Banner photo: Mojumder/Drick/CIMMYT