

A farewell newsletter from PIM Director Frank Place as the CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets comes to a close.
Although ICTs have the potential to revitalize agricultural extension in developing countries, evidence suggests that not all ICT-enabled extension approaches are equally effective in improving farmers’ technology adoption, productivity, income, or welfare outcomes.
How can we foster wider policy impacts from research on agricultural insurance for smallholder farmers? Why are partnerships with private sector important?
Tenure and governance are embedded in the solutions to key global challenges: climate change; environmental management; poverty; gender equity and women’s empowerment; and nutrition and health.
The new PIM Synthesis Brief by David Spielman summarizes PIM research and lessons learned on policy progress and political economy in seed systems and markets in sub-Saharan Africa.
The pandemic had different effects on fruit and vegetable producers, consumers, and retailers, demanding different policies to tackle the situation.
The learning kit includes 16 courses and provides a freely downloadable manual, lecturer guide, workbook, and a set of slides for each course. 
New book argues for a structural transformation in Africa partially based on agricultural processing, suggests 4 possible pathways to catalyze this evolution.
A multi-country study finds that mechanization induces women to shift from farm to nonfarm activities to a larger extent than men, which can potentially narrow the gender gap in labor productivity and empowerment.