PIM's knowledge products include publications, data sets, tools, websites. We are also sharing our research during PIM Webinars, which are open to public and further dissemination under the Creative Commons licence.
Also see:
PIM's Peer-reviewed Journal Articles 2021 PIM's Peer-reviewed Journal Articles 2020 PIM's Peer-reviewed Journal Articles 2019 PIM's Peer-reviewed Journal Articles 2018 PIM's Peer-reviewed Journal Articles 2017 PIM's ISI Journal Articles 2016 PIM's ISI Journal Articles 2015 PIM's ISI Journal Articles 2014 PIM's ISI Journal Articles 2013 PIM's ISI Journal Articles 2012
Websites of some key projects supported in full or in part by PIM
To see PIM brochures, reports, plans, proposals, policies, and guidelines, go to Key Documents.
A farewell newsletter from PIM Director Frank Place as the CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets comes to a close.
Although ICTs have the potential to revitalize agricultural extension in developing countries, evidence suggests that not all ICT-enabled extension approaches are equally effective in improving farmers’ technology adoption, productivity, income, or welfare outcomes.
How can we foster wider policy impacts from research on agricultural insurance for smallholder farmers? Why are partnerships with private sector important?
Banner photo: Kate Holt / AusAID