Lessons from the modern history show that visionary policies and rapid technological change can achieve agricultural productivity growth and poverty reduction. However, lessons from the past are not sufficient to motivate action in today’s world. The grand modern challenges, such as climate change, soil degradation, and growing competition for land and other resources add more layers of complexity to decision making and require rigorous analysis of the decisions’ potential outcomes.
PIM’s Flagship 1 assesses future food systems and their agricultural production, food consumption, and nutrition and environmental outcomes under alternative scenarios of climate change and other drivers. It further analyzes technological solutions that could address those challenges and examines the associated public policies and investments in science and innovation required to implement the solutions. Among these investments there is particular emphasis on policy and regulatory aspects of seed systems and on agricultural extension methods and approaches for enhancing the wider use of CGIAR and partner technologies.
This flagship takes a global perspective that transcends a single crop, commodity, technology, or agro-ecological system. Applications of the scenario analysis and work on innovation systems are regional and national, with current engagement in Africa south of the Sahara (Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Mali, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe), Asia (Bangladesh, China, India, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Vietnam), Latin America and the Caribbean (Colombia, Honduras, Nicaragua, Peru), and the Middle East and North Africa.
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Flagship 1 Impact Pathways>>
Flagship 1 News and Updates>>
Cluster 1.1: Food Systems Futures Cluster 1.2: Science Policy and Innovation Systems for Sustainable Intensification
Keith Wiebe (IFPRI) Flagship 1 leader, co-leader of Cluster 1.1 Steven Prager (The Alliance of Bioversity International and CIAT) Co-leader of Cluster 1.1 Mywish Maredia (MSU) Co-leader of Cluster 1.2 David Spielman (IFPRI) Co-leader of Cluster 1.2
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