PIM organized a workshop titled “Research on Agricultural Extension Systems: What Have We Learned, and Where Do We Go From Here?” held at IFPRI on October 15-16, 2013. Approximately 35 participants from CGIAR, universities, multilateral agencies, NGOs, regional networks, private sector, and donor organizations attended the event. The aim of the workshop was to identify areas in which PIM could contribute to innovative work on the changing functions and modalities of extension in light of present and future agricultural challenges.
Participants heard presentations on extension methods, needs and programs in the different regions, and areas for further research. They discussed how extension has evolved from the old linear and supply-driven models to a complex array of pluralistic approaches, with extension playing the role of a broker between different actors. Presentations highlighted the contributions of innovative methods (such as use of information and communication technologies, farmer trainers, etc.) for meeting the changing needs of farmers, as well as the difficulties related to measuring the impact of extension. Participants agreed on the need for a wide range of approaches tailored to the varying requirements of different client groups and policy contexts. How to operationalize this conclusion in the context of national systems that still recognize a significant role for the public sector was found to be a significant challenge. Participants agreed that PIM can contribute by helping to systematize analysis of extension and to increase the body of evidence in this area. As a follow up PIM will initiate scoping studies in 2014, including a historic overview of reforms of extension systems and frameworks, a study on operationalizing the best fit framework, and a contribution on monitoring the performance of extension. This work will be pursued under the flagship project on Adoption of Technology and Sustainable Intensification within the PIM program.
The agenda of the workshop, list of participants, presentations, summary and video of first two sessions are below.
PIM extension research workshop Oct 15-16_Agenda
PIM extension research workshop Oct15-16_List of participants
PIM extension research workshop Oct15-16 Summary
PIM extension research workshop Oct 15-16 Summary_Annex_PIM's 7 flagship projects
Session 1_Historical context_Kristin Davis
Session 2_Best fit practices_Catherine Ragasa
Session 2_Extension and ICT_Charles Steinfield
Session 2_Farmer to farmer extension_Steve Franzel
Session 2_Innovation systems_Eija Pehu
Session 2_Private extension_Robynne Anderson
Session 2_Extension as social entrepreneurship_Merida Roets
Session 2_Farmbook_Valerie Rhoe
Session 3_ Initiative to Catalyze Smallholder Finance_Rezvan Ma'ani
Session 3_South Asia_Rasheed Sulaiman
Session 3_Southeast Asia_Karen Barroga
Session 3_Central Asia_Alisher Tashmatov
Session 3_LAC_Maria Isabel Paredes
Session 4_Metrics_David Spielman
Session 4_Capacity_Suresh Babu
Session 4_Gender_Markus Goldstein
Session 4_Group 1_Capacity_Report
Session 4_Group 2_Delivery models_Report