Book synopsis: Innovation for inclusive value-chain development: Successes and challenges


by Evgeniya Anisimova | April 25, 2016

Innovation for inclusive value-chain development: Successes and challenges, a forthcoming book edited by André Devaux, Maximo Torero, Jason Donovan, and Douglas Horton and published by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) draws on research on agricultural innovation, rural livelihoods, value chains, and contract farming in different geographic, social, economic, and institutional contexts to identify several common themes related to value chain development (VCD), some of which have policy implications. These include: expanded access to agricultural product markets for smallholders; minimum assets required to participate in VCD; role of farmers’ organizations and contract farming in VCD; role of multistakeholder platforms in VCD; attributes of successful interventions.

With roughly three-quarters of the world’s poor living in rural areas, addressing global poverty requires paying attention to rural populations, especially smallholder farmers in developing countries. Millions of smallholders and others among the developing world’s poor, including a large proportion of women, participate as producers, laborers, traders, processors, retailers, or consumers in agricultural value chains. A value chain refers to the set of interlinked agents that produce, transform, and market the products that consumers are prepared to purchase. Improving the performance of agricultural value chains has the potential to benefit large numbers of low-income and poor people. Innovation for Inclusive Value-Chain Development: Successes and Challenges assesses how to improve agricultural value chains, particularly value chains that include smallholders.


Innovation for Inclusive Value Chain Development: Successes and Challenges is published with major support from the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), the International Potato Center, and the CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM).

This book is one of the outputs of the PIM's research on Inclusive Value Chains and Efficient Trade.