Africa south of the Sahara Food Security Portal, launched in 2015 and facilitated by IFPRI, is a clearinghouse for food security- and nutrition-related data, research, and news at both the regional and the national level. A thematic blog provides the latest publications and analysis on topics like food access and consumption, risk and resilience, input markets, nutrition, climate change, and trade policies. The site also includes an interactive map feature that tracks wholesale commodity prices, fertilizer prices, market access indicators, and more. Virtual dialogues give users the chance to engage with other experts and policymakers and share ideas about important regional food security issues.
Check this recent posts from the portal: Climate-Proofing the Malabo Declaration >> Ethiopia, Nigeria, and Southern Africa Continue to See Reduced Food Supplies and Access >> Helping Food Reach Cities: How Urbanization Is Changing Africa's Food System >>
Check this recent posts from the portal:
Climate-Proofing the Malabo Declaration >>
Ethiopia, Nigeria, and Southern Africa Continue to See Reduced Food Supplies and Access >>
Helping Food Reach Cities: How Urbanization Is Changing Africa's Food System >>
Register here to become a member of the Africa south of the Sahara FSP and receive weekly emails with the latest regional information.
Also visit the global Food Security Portal and the regional portals for India and Central America and the Caribbean (Spanish-language).
IFPRI gratefully acknowledges the European Commission (EC) for its financial support of the Africa South of the Sahara Food Security Portal. Africa South of the Sahara Food Security Portal is part of the CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets under the research topic on Inclusive Value Chains and Efficient Trade.