Special Event: Making Politics Work to Meet the SDGs


by Evgeniya Anisimova | September 26, 2016


Photo: Panos/Giacomo Pirozzi

IFPRI Special Event on September 28 explored how accountability matters for development, and how public leaders can be made more accountable for delivering upon the SDGs. Stuti Khemani (Senior Economist, World Bank) present the main messages of the new World Bank policy research report Making Politics Work for Development: Harnessing Transparency and Citizen Engagement, shedding light on how citizen engagement in the selection and sanctioning of public leaders is the key to understanding and solving government failures. Ray Offenheiser (President and CEO, Oxfam America) reflected on programmatic and policy work, highlighting the on-the-ground difference that a rights-based approach to development makes in the lives of poor women and men. Tewodaj Mogues and Katrina Kosec (Senior Research Fellows, IFPRI) discussed these insights, drawing upon their own research and experience in this area. Ruth Meinzen-Dick (Senior Research Fellow, IFPRI) was a moderator the event.

More information about the event is available here.

Research discussed by Tewodaj Mogues and Katrina Kosec includes work undertaken as part of PIM’s Flagship 2 that examines the drivers and determinants of public investment decisions and studies institutional arrangements promoting participation of the poor in decisions on the provision of public goods, among other topics.