To celebrate this year's International Day of Rural Women (October 15), the CGIAR Collaborative Platform for Gender Research illustrates how gender research in agricultural and natural resource domains is contributing to improving the lives of rural women.
Eleven CGIAR gender scientists reflect on research, strategies, and interventions that bring about positive change. Our colleagues dig into the details of rural livelihoods to uncover inequalities and address them – reducing drudgery, ensuring access to information, developing gendered tools, promoting mothers to lead nutrition efforts, unpacking participation, exploring how gender relations shape agricultural innovation, revealing the gendered impacts of climate change, increasing decision-making and incomes, and strengthening women’s land tenure rights. From rice processing to potato storage, agroforestry to climate smart agriculture, agribusiness to irrigation, biofortification to gender-responsive research methods, CGIAR research contributes to better understanding of the realities faced by rural women.
International Day of Rural Women by CGIAR Collaborative Platform for Gender Research on Exposure
The CGIAR Collaborative Platform for Gender Research is hosted by PIM under Flagship 6: Cross-cutting Gender Research and Coordination