DATE: March 19–23, 2018
VENUE: 1818 H Street, NW Washington, DC 20433
The annual World Bank's Land and Poverty conference will present the latest research and practice on the diversity of reforms, interventions, and innovations in the land sector around the world. The 2018 conference theme is: Land Governance in an Interconnected World.
For more information please visit the conference website.
PIM research conducted under Flagship 5: Governance of Natural Resources will be presented during the following sessions:
Tuesday, 20 March 2018
8:30 - 10:00 am
01-07: Boundary Demarcation and Territorial Governance
Location: MC 7-100
Conflict in Collective Formalization Processes: Opportunities for Transformation?
Anne Larson1, Esther Mwangi2, Iliana Monterroso1, Nining Liswanti3, Tuti Herawati3
1CIFOR, Peru; 2CIFOR, Kenya; 3CIFOR, Indonesia
01-10: Impact Evaluation of Land Registration
Location: MC 10-100
Does Tenure Reform Influence Household Food Security?
Nining Liswanti, Esther Mwangi, Michael Ndwiga, Tuti Herawati, Anne Larson, Iliana Monterosso (CIFOR)
10:30 am - 12:00 pm
02-12: Securing Women's Land Rights in Customary Systems
Location: MC C1-200
Women’s Land Rights as a Pathway to Poverty Reduction A Framework and Review of Available Evidence
Ruth Meinzen-Dick1, Agnes Quisumbing1, Cheryl Doss2, Sophie Theis1
1IFPRI, United States of America; 2Oxford University
3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
04-11: Measuring Tenure Security Perceptions
Location: MC C1-100
Forest Tenure Reforms and Tenure Security: What Determines Perceptions of Tenure Security Among Members of Reform Groups?
Esther Mwangi1, Anne Larson1, Michael Ndwiga2, Iliana Monterosso1, Nining Liswanti1, Tuti Herawati1
1Center for International Forestry Research, Kenya; 2University of Nairobi
Scrutinizing the Status Quo: Gender-disaggregated Implications of Social and Economic Transformations on Perceived Tenure Security in Mozambique
Hosaena Ghebru1, Fikirte Girmachew2
1International Food Policy Research Institute, United States of America; 2Ethiopian Development Research Institute
Posters – all day; presenters available 12-2 pm and 5.30-6 pm
Location: MC Atrium
Poster Board 01-07
Women’s Property Rights through the Household Life Cycle: Evidence from Nepal
Rajendra Pradhan2, Ruth Meinzen-Dick1, Sophie Theis1
1IFPRI, United States of America; 2Nepa School, Nepal
Poster Board 01-08
Traditional Leaders as Moral Authorities: Experimental Evidence from Rural Zambia
Tobias Vorlaufer1, Thomas Falk2, Michael Kirk1
1University of Marburg, Germany; 2International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT)
Poster Board 01-14
Scrutinizing the status quo: Rural Transformation and Land Tenure Security in Nigeria
Fikirte Girmachew Abeje1, Hosaena Ghebru2
1Ethiopian Development Research Institute, Ethiopia; 2International Food Policy Research Institute
Poster Board 01-07
A gender-disaggregated Impact of the Pilot Systematic Land Tenure Regularization Program in Nigeria
Hosaena Ghebru1, Fikirte Girmachew2
1International Food Policy Research Institute, United States of America; 2Ethiopian Development Research Institute
Wednesday, 21 March 2018
8:30 - 10:00 am
05-09: Research on Tenure, Farm Size, Investment and Productivity
Location: MC 9-100
Effect of Farm Size on Farm Productivity: Empirical Evidences from India
Anupama Guvvala Venkata, Thomas Falk
Adoption of Sustainable Land and Forest Management Technologies: Outcome of Forest Tenure Reform in Developing Countries
Tuti Herawati Hadis, Esther Mwangi, Anne Larson, Nining Liswanti, Illiana Monterosso, Michael Ndwiga
Centre for International Forestry Research, Indonesia
10:30 am - 12:00 pm
06-07: Accommodating Legal Pluralism at National Level
Location: MC 7-100
Legal Pluralism: A Terrain of Contestation for Rights-Based Land Governance in Myanmar
Diana Suhardiman1, Miles Kenney-Lazar2, Ruth Meinzen-Dick3
1International Water Management Institute, Lao People's Democratic Republic; 2Kyoto University, Japan; 3International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington DC
2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
07-01: Implementing the AU Declaration on Land Issues and Challenges in Africa
Location: Preston Auditorium
Monitoring and Evaluation of Land Governance in Africa (MELA) at Country Level
Jean Ousmane Camara1, Hosaena Ghebru2, Joan Kagwanja3
1Bâtiment de la Direction des Services Topographiques, Madagascar; 2International Food Policy Research Institute, United States; 3UNECA, Ethiopia
07-07: Community Rights for Environmental Benefit
MC 7-100
Common Benefits: How Community Tenure Is Facilitating investment in the Commons for Inclusive Growth
Steven Lawry1, Sophia Gnych1, Iliana Monterroso1, Anukram Adhikary2
1Center for International Forestry Research; 2ForestAction, Nepal
Successful Community Stewardship of Tropical Forests: Evidence from Community Forest Concessions in Petén, Guatemala
Dietmar Stoian1, Aldo Rodas2
1Bioversity International, France; 2Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, Guatemala
07-09: Forest Tenure and Migration
Location: MC 9-100
What is the Impact of Out-migration for Employment on People and Land? Lessons for Policy and Research in Nepal
Bimbika Sijapati Basnett1, Samata Manandhar2, Made Sanjaya1, Kartika Sari Juniwaty1
1Center for International Forestry Research, Indonesia; 2Forest Action, Nepal
3:45 pm - 5:15 pm
08-09: Comparing Approaches to Securing Forest Tenure
Location: MC 9-100
Social Differentiation In Collective Tenure Regimes: Women Rights And Forest Tenure Reforms
Iliana Monterroso, Larson Anne, Esther Mwangi, Liswanti Nining, Herawati Tuti
Thursday, 22 March 2018
10:30 am - 12:00 pm
10-09: Is There a Need to Promote Land Access by the Youth?
Location: MC 9-100
Land Access, Tenure Security and the Fate of Rural Youth in Africa: The Case of Mozambique
Hosaena Ghebru1, Helder Zavale2
1International Food Policy Research Institute; 2Eduardo Mondlane University, Mozambique
Friday, 23 March 2018
9:00 am - 10:30 am
12-10: Development of Indicators for Measuring Progress in Pastoral Land Tenure Policy, Legislation and Tenure Reform
Location: MC 10-100
Development of Indicators for Measuring Progress in Pastoral Land Tenure Policy, Legislation and Tenure Reform
Fiona Flintan1, Aymen Frija2
1International Livestock Research Institute, Ethiopia; 2International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas
12-02: Developing a Shared Conceptual Framework for Research on Women’s Land Rights
Location: MC C1-200
Developing a Shared Conceptual Framework for Research on Women’s Land Rights
Cheryl Doss2, Ruth Meinzen-Dick3, Amanda Richardson1
1Resource Equity, United States of America; 2Oxford University; 3IFPRI