In this video, Daniel Gilligan, senior research fellow at IFPRI and leader of the research flagship “Social Protection for Agriculture and Resilience” within the CGIAR Research Program on Policy, Intuitions, and Markets (PIM) led by IFPRI, discusses why social protection programs, such as cash transfers, food rations, school meals, and public works are now a leading strategy that governments use to help reduce poverty and help households to become more resilient. He also talks about where and in what ways social protection programs are expanding, and what new combined interventions are being tested and used to help vulnerable households not just keep a floor on well-being but actually graduate out of poverty.
Visit Flagship 4 page to learn more about PIM’s research on social protection for agriculture and resilience.
Stay tuned for more videos to follow!
See also:
PIM Outcome Note: Strengthening resilience of rural households through improved social protection
PIM Webinar: Cash transfer programs and intimate partner violence – Lessons from 3 case studies around the globe