Dr. Ruth Meinzen-Dick is senior research fellow at the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and co-leader of the “Governance of Natural Resources” research flagship in the CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM). In this video, Ruth introduces the flagship that seeks to find answers to some of the key questions in the natural resource management. Why do property rights for land and other natural resources matter? How do they affect agricultural productivity, environment, gender relations? How do people coordinate with their neighbors, governments, and private sector so that natural resources are used sustainably? And what innovative approaches can researchers offer to help in the process?
Visit Flagship 5 page to learn more about PIM’s research on tenure and governance of natural resources.
Also see:
Blogs and publications from Flagship 5: Governance of Natural Resources
Community forestry. Where and why has devolution of forest rights contributed to better governance and livelihoods? (webinar recording)
South Africa implements a national strategy to support community seed banks (PIM Outcome Note describing research outcomes from the work under Flagship 5 during the first phase of our program (2012-2016))