When: 28 March 2019, 10-11 AM EST
Presenter: Fiona Flintan, International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI)
Moderator: Frank Place, Director, PIM
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Pastoralists in Tanzania engaging in a participatory mapping of rangeland resources (photo credit: ILRI/Fiona Flintan)
How best to secure land tenure for pastoralists is an ongoing challenge for governments, practitioners, lawyers, academics, and communities themselves. As a result, pastoral lands continue to be encroached, fragmented, excised, and lost whilst all important mobility of people and livestock is blocked. The International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) supported by two CGIAR research programs: Policies, Institutions, and Markets and Livestock, and the International Land Coalition (ILC) have been working with national governments in Ethiopia and Tanzania to provide solutions for this challenge. Examples of the applied research include development, piloting, and follow-up support to land use planning, land certification, and rangeland management approaches.
During this webinar, our presenter will describe innovations, successful practices, and lessons learned from her work on pastoral land tenure and governance over the past 15 years, with special focus on how research and technical support to governments used as entry point can lead to policy-impacting results.
Fiona Flintan is Rangelands Governance Scientist at the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), based in Ethiopia. She is also Technical Coordinator for International Land Coalition's Rangelands Initiative, a position jointly funded by ILRI and the International Land Coalition. Fiona works with ILC members and partners across Africa. In Tanzania, she is involved in the Sustainable Rangeland Management Project led by the Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Development. The project seeks to improve the application of village land use planning in rangelands. In Ethiopia, in collaboration with partners from the Ministry of Agriculture and the State Ministry of Livestock and Resources Development, Fiona works on a Manual for participatory land use planning and provides technical support to the Rangeland Management Platform. Other areas of her expertise include rangeland ecology, invasive species, gender, conflict transformation, and participatory research approaches.
About PIM Webinars
The PIM Webinars aim to share findings of research undertaken as part of the CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM), discuss their application, and get feedback and suggestions from participants. Webinars are conducted by PIM researchers in the form of research seminars. Each webinar is a live event consisting of a presentation (30 min) and a facilitated Q&A session (30 min). Recordings and presentations of the webinars are freely available on the PIM website.
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