July 9, 2020, 11 am - 12 pm CET
The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD), CGIAR, and national agricultural research system partners have been working together in Tunisia to overcome constraints imposed by existent land tenure systems, with a specific focus on institutional innovations that could improve rangeland governance. Most of the research in the early 2000's was focusing on the implementation of participatory and community-based development plans, including best ways to organize farmers in rangeland user associations. The majority of the research outputs have been institutionalized and are now part of the toolboxes of ongoing projects. But new challenges are evolving, leading to the emergence of new research questions.
In this webinar, the presenter will:
- Share the experiences of IFAD partnerships with the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) in Tunisia on rangeland management, land governance and tenure.
- Demonstrate the added value of agro-pastoral research – from technical and socioeconomic perspective and in terms of assisting IFAD’s development operations and investments.
- Present ongoing research undertaken by CGIAR and NARS partners.
- Demonstrate the effectiveness of building strong research partnerships to deliver on development objectives.
Aymen Frija is an agricultural economist at the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA). Dr. Frija specializes in economic modeling with a focus on natural resources policies and governance. His research interests include agricultural water management, institutional performances analysis, and conservation agriculture economics. Aymen Frija has a PhD in agricultural economics from Ghent University (Belgium) and MSc in Agricultural Economics from the Higher School of Agriculture of Montpellier (ENSAM) France.
For additional information and if you would like to join the webinar, please contact Fiona Flintan, Senior Scientist Rangelands Governance (ILRI), hosted at IFAD: f.flintan[at]cgiar.org
This is the first webinar in the upcoming series on Land and Natural Resource Governance, Planning and Management, organised by the Land Tenure desk of IFAD in collaboration with CGIAR centers.
Research featured in this webinar was supported by the CGIAR Research Programs on Livestock and on Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM).
To learn more about our work in this area, please see:
Innovations to help secure pastoral land tenure and governance (webinar recording)
Participatory management strengthens governance, management, and productivity of rangelands (blog)
Manual on woreda participatory land use planning launched in Ethiopia (blog)
Building resilience through joint village land use planning in Tanzania (outcome story)