The CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets is pleased to announce the release of its 2019 Highlights report summarizing the program's achievements and most interesting findings in 2019.
PIM has been active since 2012 and — like all CGIAR research programs — will come to an end in 2021. Over the years, we have seen PIM’s research increasingly being used to inform strategies, policies, investments and programs of development partners, the private sector, and governments.
This brochure highlights some of the program’s key achievements and findings in 2019, with a focus on “outcome stories” that show how PIM research has been used around the world. These outcomes were made possible by the very high quality of the underlying research produced by colleagues from all CGIAR Centers and external organizations who come together under the PIM umbrella. Equally important to PIM’s work is the early and active engagement of researchers with the development community to identify knowledge gaps, develop relevant research agendas, and put together effective communication strategies. I am deeply grateful to these people and to all individuals, communities, and businesses who participate in our research, as well as to the funders who extend financial support for this research to happen.
In the final two years of the program, we are focusing on synthesizing lessons learned and strengthening collaborative research closely aligned with the impact areas of the new One CGIAR strategy; these efforts should lead to several flagship products of interest to a wide audience.
Meanwhile, I hope that you will enjoy reading these Highlights of 2019.
-- Frank Place, PIM Director
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CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM). 2020. PIM achievements in 2019: Highlights. Brochure. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
For more detail, see our full 2019 Annual Report.