PIM’s Flagship 5: Governance of Natural Resources announces two consultancy positions to lead the development of the synthesis papers summarizing research undertaken within the flagship from 2013 on the following topics:
- Gender and its influence on tenure security and landscape governance (apply here)
- Power and its influence on tenure security and landscape governance (apply here)
Interested applicants are invited to submit a letter of intent, CV, and a writing sample (-s) by September 25, 2020.
Specific duties include:
- Compile all research studies on the topic implemented under the flagship from 2013 – present.
- Analyze and summarize key points from these studies focusing on outcome and impacts in natural resource management, food security, and poverty alleviation.
- Together with the flagship senior researchers, lead the development of a synthesis paper based primarily on the flagship studies, with reference to broader literature as necessary. The paper will feature:
- Roles of different actors - communities, indigenous people, government (at all levels), NGOs, private sector, others.
- Effects on nutrition, food security, and poverty.
- Sustainable investments.
- Current policies and obstacles.
- Issues and policy recommendations.
- Develop a brief of 3,000 words based on the synthesis paper.
For more details, see here (for the Gender paper) and here (for the Power paper).
To learn more about the Governance of Natural Resources research with the CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM), please visit the flagship’s page.
Banner photo: Georgina Smith / CIAT