The Land Tenure desk of IFAD, in collaboration with CGIAR centers, is pleased to invite you to the second in a webinar series to explore and discuss good collaboration practices between IFAD and CGIAR in the areas of land and natural resource governance, planning, and management.
Date: Tue, 13 October 2020
Time: 11:00-12:15 Central European Time
Where: On Zoom
For more information and to register, please contact:
Fiona Flintan, Senior Scientist Rangelands Governance, ILRI,
Harold Liversage, Senior Technical Adviser, Land Tenure, IFAD,
This webinar will take us to Niger, Mali, Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania, where the World Agroforestry (ICRAF), International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), International Crop Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) and International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) have been working with IFAD and partners on research on restoration of degraded land for food security and poverty reduction in East Africa and the Sahel.
This project aimed to achieve transformative outcomes by placing farmers and pastoralists at the center of land restoration efforts and agricultural research. Farmers and pastoralists in Ethiopia, Kenya, Mali, Niger and Tanzania implemented on-farm planned comparisons to test and innovate land management practices that restore agricultural productivity and ecosystem health. Radically different to past development approaches, planned comparisons embed research into the development and scaling process, while empowering farmers and pastoralists to restore degraded lands.
The results and lessons learned were shared through structured and documented co-learning amongst nested communities of practice that bring farmers, community facilitators, NGO and government extension staff, private sector actors and researchers together, to share knowledge and experience about what works, where and for whom on the ground. Key lessons on the partnership with IFAD in the countries will also be shared, with discussions on how such R4D partnerships can be improved in future.
Harold Liversage, Senior Technical Adviser, Land Tenure, IFAD
Leigh Ann Winowiecki, Soil and Land Health Theme Leader, World Agroforestry (ICRAF)
Anthony Whitbred, Research Program Director for Innovation Systems for the Drylands (ISD), ICRISAT
Boubie Vincent Bado, Principal Scientist – Dryland Systems and Livelihood Diversification, West & Central Africa Program, ICRISAT
Malu Muia Ndavi, Lead Technical Specialist, IFAD
Ulaç Demirag, Country Director, IFAD
Michael Victor, Head, Communications and Knowledge Management, ILRI
This webinar series is being supported by IFAD and the CGIAR Research Programs on Livestock and Policies, Institutions and Markets (PIM). It is part of a regular recurring series where we will "visit" a different country or set of countries where IFAD has been working closely with CGIAR centers through supporting research, development of innovations, partnership, and joint influencing of policy and legislation, to learn about successful outputs, outcomes, and challenges and opportunities
The series offers an opportunity for learning across IFAD, CGIAR centers and partners, to reflect on each country case study and develop steps to strengthen outputs and outcomes, demonstrate the importance of the collaboration and to consider the application of successful interventions elsewhere.
Photo: ©EC/ECHO/Anouk Delafortrie