Issue #39, February 2021
This newsletter comes out just before the International Women's Day (March 8). Progress toward gender equality enhances inclusion and promotes effective development. Gender bias contributes to underlying causes of all the grand development challenges, and scientists supported by PIM across CGIAR and beyond work to provide solutions to eliminate this bias.
Gender is both the specific focus of one of PIM’s six research areas, “Cross-Cutting Gender Research and Coordination,” and a component of research across the five other PIM research areas.
In this issue - in addition to the February news and updates - we have assembled some of the recent publications and resources from the PIM gender research portfolio. Happy International Women's Day!
Nguyen Thi Thu, a 24 year old migrant worker from Ha Tinh, Vietnam, works at a special farm in Cameron Highlands, north of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Photo: UN Women/Staton Winter
Food Policy (Special Issue) The Special Issue, edited by Andrea Cattaneo, Marco V. Sánchez, Máximo Torero, and Rob Vos presents the latest research on effective policies for tackling food loss and waste. The issue includes these articles supported by PIM [Open Access]:
Agricultural Systems Yue Zhan and Kevin Chen report evidence for initial impacts and resilience of China's food system amid the COVID-19 pandemic and discuss government's responses as well as long-term efforts that promoted resilience. [Open Access]
Global Food Security Steven Prager and Keith Wiebe present an overview and context for six recently published articles in Global Food Security that comprise a virtual special issue on agricultural futures. The special issue offers insights to support current and future investment planning to better target desired outcomes associated with long-term agricultural research. [Open Access]
Agricultural Systems Fang et al. find that COVID-19 has severely impacted chicken and egg production in Myanmar. The sector makes important contributions to the food and nutrition security of low-income households in the country, and the drop in production and employment inhibits Myanmar's progress toward the SDGs. [Open Access]
Population and Development Review Amare et al. examine the implications of urban growth on youth migration decisions in Nigeria. Broadly, they find that women and those youth with more education are more likely to migrate, while those in households with livestock are less likely to migrate. [Open Access]
Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education Davis et al. explore how extension organizations modified inputs (human capital, technology, equipment), outputs (services), and organizational components (social structures, participants, goals) during COVID-19. The authors also review previous crises and provide forward-looking suggestions. [Open Access]
Journal of Crop Improvement Gatto et al. ask what type of regulatory framework is appropriate for improving farmers’ access to quality VPC planting material and what the costs, benefits, risks, and unintended consequences are of alternative regulations. The paper explores this in the context of cassava and potato in Vietnam. [Open Access]
Land Use Policy Diana Suhardiman and Natalia Scurrah look at the (re)shaping of local institutional arrangements within the context of land use planning processes in Laos, bringing to light their dynamic and co-constitutive relationship. [Open Access via this link until April 13, 2021]
Science of the Total Environment Kadiyala et al. estimate that by 2050, projected climate change will impact groundnut yields by −34 to 43% across India. The variations in results (with additional economic and market variables included or not included) show that biophysical and economic model integration is crucial for more accurate assessment. [Open Access]
Effects of COVID-19 and other shocks on Papua New Guinea’s food economy: A multi-market simulation analysis
Impact of COVID-19 on the Yemeni economy: How the drop in remittances affected economic sectors, food systems, and households
Estimating the economic impacts of the first wave of COVID-19 in Pakistan using a SAM Multiplier Model
The impact of Ethiopia’s direct seed marketing approach on smallholders’ access to seeds, productivity, and commercialization
Efficiency and profits of emerging medium-scale farms in Africa: Evidence from Ethiopia’s commercial horticultural sector
Primary schooling, human capital, and COVID-19: A multidimensional evaluation: Upcoming evidence from Mozambique
User guide to seed regulatory framework analysis and implications for vegetatively propagated crops
Using digital repeat photography to strengthen seasonal monitoring in Ethiopia’s R4 Rural Resilience Initiative