Agricultural Science and Technology Indicators (ASTI) program launched a new project with the Asia-Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions (APAARI) to collect, analyze, and disseminate data on agricultural research in Southeast Asia and the Pacific. The project is funded by the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research. Read more
Several countries are taking initiative with ASTI data collection and outreach--institutionalizing the data collection process, disseminating the results, and embedding the data in national policy and decision-making platforms to maximize their use and accessibility. Read this blog for recent examples from India, Colombia, and Ghana.
In this blog, Aymen Frija (ICARDA) from Flagship 1 Foresight Modeling team discusses prospects for wheat self-sufficiency in sub-Saharan Africa based on adoption of improved management practices and wheat area expansion.
In this blog, Daniel Mason D'Croz (IFPRI) summarizes IFPRI's contribution to the Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project (AgMIP), an important forum for agricultural modelers.
Selected publications
Haile, Beliyou; Azzarri, Carlo; Koo, Jawoo; and De Pinto, Alessandro. 2017. Trade, climate change, and climate-smart agriculture. In A thriving agricultural sector in a changing climate: Meeting Malabo Declaration goals through climate-smart agriculture, eds. Alessandro De Pinto and John M. Ulimwengu. Chapter 5, pp. 54-68. Washington, D.C.: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
Hua, Chunlin; Woodward, Richard T.; and You, Liangzhi. 2017. An ex-post evaluation of agricultural extension programs for reducing fertilizer input in Shaanxi, China. Sustainability 9(4): 566.
Karanja, Esther; Kiptot, Evelyne; and Franzel, Steven. 2017. The volunteer farmer trainer approach three years after the exit of the East Africa Dairy Development Project: A case study of four dairy producer organizations in Kenya. World Agroforestry Centre Research report.
Lu, Miao; Wu, Wenbin; You, Liangzhi; Chen, Di; Zhang, Li; Yang, Peng; and Tang, Huajun. 2017. A synergy cropland of China by fusing multiple existing maps and statistics. Sensors 17(7): 1613.
Tesfaye, Kindie; Kruseman, Gideon; Cairns, Jill E.; Zaman-Allah, Mainassara; and Wegary, Dagne; et al. Potential benefits of drought and heat tolerance for adapting maize to climate change in tropical environments. Climate Risk Management. Article in press. First published online on October 16, 2017.
Travis J. Lybbert, Nicholas Magnan, David J. Spielman, Anil K. Bhargava, and Kajal Gulati. Targeting Technology to Increase Smallholder Profits and Conserve Resources: Experimental Provision of Laser Land-Leveling Services to Indian Farmers. Economic Development and Cultural Change. Article in press. First published online on December 28, 2017.
Van Campenhout, Bjorn; Walukano, Wilberforce; Nattembo, Fiona; Nazziwa-Nviiri, Lydia; and Blom, Jaap. 2017. The role of information in agricultural technology adoption: Experimental evidence from rice farmers in Uganda. IFPRI Discussion Paper 1684. Washington, D.C.: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
Ward, Patrick S.; Bell, Andrew R.; Droppelmann, Klaus; and Benton, Tim G. 2018. Early adoption of conservation agriculture practices: Understanding partial compliance in programs with multiple adoption decisions. Land Use Policy 70(2018): 27-37.
Wiebe, Keith D.; Stads, Gert-Jan; Beintema, Nienke M.; Brooks, Karen; Cenacchi, Nicola; Dunston, Shahnila; Mason-D’Croz, Daniel; Sulser, Timothy B.; and Thomas, Timothy S. 2017. West African agriculture for jobs, nutrition, growth, and climate resilience. IFPRI Discussion Paper 1680. Washington, D.C.: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
Wiebe, Keith D.; Sulser, Timothy B.; Mason-D’Croz, Daniel; and Rosegrant, Mark W. 2017. The effects of climate change on agriculture and food security in Africa. In A thriving agricultural sector in a changing climate: Meeting Malabo Declaration goals through climate-smart agriculture, eds. Alessandro De Pinto and John M. Ulimwengu. Chapter 2, pp. 5-21. Washington, D.C.: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
Wood, Sylvia L. R.; Jones, Sarah K.; Johnson, Justin A.; Brauman, Kate A.; Chaplin-Kramer, Rebecca; Zhang, Wei; et al. 2018. Distilling the role of ecosystem services in the Sustainable Development Goals. Ecosystem Services 29(A): 70-82.