In October, Antoine Bouët and David Laborde presented their new book "Agriculture, Development, and the Global Trading System: 2000-2015" at the WTO in Geneva, Switzerland.
The book "Agricultural trade interests and challenges at the WTO Ministerial Conference in Buenos Aires: A Southern Cone perspective" edited by Valeria Piñeiro and Martín Piñeiro and released in December in time for the Buenos Aires WTO Ministerial, focuses on presenting some of the main themes pending in the WTO negotiations.
The Value chains learning hubs workshop organised by Flagship 3 colleagues from ILRI was held at ILRI's Addis Ababa campus on October 31-November 1.
Selected publications
Ambler, Kate; de Brauw, Alan; and Godlonton, Susan. Measuring postharvest losses at the farm level in Malawi. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. Article in press. First published online on October 11, 2017.
Bernard, Tanguy; de Janvry, Alain; Mbaye, Samba; and Sadoulet, Elisabeth. 2017. Expected product market reforms and technology adoption by Senegalese onion producers. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 99(4): 1096–1115.
Bernard, Tanguy; Mbaye, Samba; de Janvry, Alain; and Sadoulet, Elisabeth. 2017. Agricultural market reforms and technology adoption in Senegal. Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab (J-PAL) and Agricultural Technology Adoption Initiative (ATAI) Brief.
Delgado, Luciana; Schuster, Monica; and Torero, Maximo. 2017. The reality of food losses: A new measurement methodology. IFPRI Discussion Paper 1686. Washington, D.C.: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
Ebata, Ayako; and Hernandez, Manuel A. 2017. Linking smallholder farmers to markets on extensive and intensive margins: Evidence from Nicaragua. Food Policy 73(2017): 34-44.
Glauber, Joseph W.; and Sumner, Daniel A. 2017. US farm policy and trade: The inconsistency continues. Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute (AEI).
Godlonton, Susan; Hernandez, Manuel A.; and Murphy, Mike. Anchoring bias in recall data: Evidence from Central America. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Article in press. First published online on December 8, 2017.
Janetos Anthony; Justice, Christopher; Jahn, Molly; Obersteiner, Michael; Glauber, Joseph W.; and Mulhern William. 2017. The risks of multiple breadbasket failures in the 21st century: A science research agenda. Pardee Center Research Report. Boston, MA: Boston University, The Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future.
Mtimet, Nadhem; Baker, Derek; Ouma, Emily. Analysing pig traders in Uganda: sampling issues, marketing activities, and constraint analysis. Development in Practice. First available October 23, 2017.
Smith, Vincent H.; and Glauber, Joseph W. 2017. U.S. Agricultural Policy: Impacts on domestic and international food security. In World Agricultural Resources and Food Security (Frontiers of Economics and Globalization, Volume 17), eds. Andrew Schmitz, P. Lynn Kennedy, and Troy G. Schmitz. Chapter 8, pp 125-141.
Smith, Vincent H.; Glauber, Joseph W.; and Goodwin, Barry K. 2017. Time to reform the US federal agricultural insurance program. Agricultural Policy in Disarray Series Report. Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute (AEI).
Smith, Vincent H.; Glauber, Joseph W.; Goodwin, Barry K.; and Sumner, Daniel A. 2017. Agricultural policy in disarray: Reforming the farm bill—An overview. Agricultural Policy in Disarray Series Report. Washington, D.C.: American Enterprise Institute (AEI).