Akhter Ahmed, IFPRI Senior Research Fellow and Country Representative in Bangladesh, presented results from the IFPRI-WFP social protection study, the Transfer Modality Research Initiative (TMRI) at the Technical Symposium on Nutrition-Sensitive Social Protection, organized by the Bangladesh Ministry of Food in collaboration with FAO, UNICEF, WFP, IFPRI, and Save the Children on December 4-5 in Dhaka.
(See recent PIM Outcome Note Strengthening resilience of rural households through improved social protection to learn more about the TMRI and other examples of impact from our social protection work)
The book “The 1.5 Billion People Question: Food, Vouchers, or Cash Transfers?” (Alderman, Gentilini, Yemtsov eds.) was launched at the IFPRI HQ on November 20. The book examines if and how large-scale, domestic food-based programs in six countries, including Egypt, India, Indonesia, Mexico, Sri Lanka, and United States evolved over time. PIM Director Karen Brooks moderated the launch event.
This blog by Shalini Roy and Melissa Hidrobo summarizes evidence from Bangladesh on how cash or food transfers combined with behavior change communication reduce intimate partner violence.
On December 5, our colleagues from the International Potato Center (CIP) jointly with the Peru’s Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion organized a workshop “Social protection programs and economic inclusion interventions in rural areas in Peru”
Berber Kramer and Francisco Ceballos presented their work on index-based insurance at the 13th International Microinsurance Conference in Lima, Peru, on November 7-9.
Selected publications
Alderman, Harold; Gentilini, Ugo; and Yemtsov, Ruslan, eds. 2017. The 1.5 billion people question: Food, vouchers, or cash transfers? Washington, D.C.: The World Bank. https://doi.org/10.1596/978-1-4648-1087-9
Hidrobo, Melissa; Hoddinott, John F.; Kumar, Neha; and Olivier, Meghan. 2018. Social protection, food security, and asset formation. World Development 101 (January 2018): 88-103. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2017.08.014
Walque, Damien de; Fernald, Lia; Gertler, Paul; and Hidrobo, Melissa. 2017. Cash transfers and child and adolescent development. In Child and adolescent health and development, eds. Donald A. P. Bundy, Nilanthi de Silva, Susan Horton, Dean T. Jamison, and George C. Patton. Part Four: Packages and platforms to promote child and adolescent development, Chapter 23, pp. 325-342. https://dcp-3.org/chapter/2472/cash-transfers-and-child-and-adolescent-development
(Full volume: Bundy, Donald A. P.; de Silva, Nilanthi; Horton, Susan; Jamison, Dean T.; Patton, George C.. 2017. Disease Control Priorities, Third Edition : Volume 8. Child and Adolescent Health and Development. Washington, DC: World Bank. © World Bank. https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/28876 License: CC BY 3.0 IGO.)