The CGIAR Collaborative Platform for Gender Research, which is housed within PIM and serves all CGIAR centers and programs, hosted its first Annual Scientific Conference and Capacity Development Workshop on December 5-8.
On December 14-15, Flagship 6 organized the workshop titled “Gender, Agricultural Growth, and Rural Transformation Research in CGIAR” held at IFPRI in Washington D.C.
In March 2017, IFPRI published a discussion paper about changing gender roles in agriculture, based on an analysis of 20 years of data from Ghana. In this blog authors Monica Schuster (University of Antwerp) and Isabel Lambrecht (IFPRI) highlight some of their findings. (This research was undertaken as part of PIM and funded by the USAID through IFPRI's Ghana Strategic Support Program).
Selected publications
Doss, Cheryl; Meinzen-Dick, Ruth Suseela; Quisumbing, Agnes R.; and Theis, Sophie. Women in agriculture: Four myths. Global Food Security. Article in press. First published online on November 7, 2017.
Malapit, Hazel Jean L.; Sproule, Kathryn; and Kovarik, Chiara. 2017. Using cognitive interviewing to improve the Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index survey instruments: Evidence from Bangladesh and Uganda. Agri-Gender 2(2): 1-22.