- Melissa Hidrobo and Shalini Roy discussed how cash transfers can reduce intimate partner violence (IPV) and reviewed 3 PIM-funded studies (in Ecuador, Bangladesh, and Mali) that explore impacts of transfer programs on IPV during the PIM webinar on March 28, titled “Cash transfer programs and intimate partner violence - Lessons from 3 case studies around the globe.” Webinar recording, slides, overview, and presenters’ bios are available here.
- Dan Gilligan, Flagship 4 leader, participated in a panel discussion at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) dedicated to the launch of the CSIS report A Role for Social Protection Investments to Support Food and Nutrition Security: Lessons from Ghana. View video recording of the session here (Dan’s presentation starts around 00:37:45)
- Aulo Gelli and Jean-Pierre Tranchant (IDS) presented on the findings of an analysis of the impact of food assistance during conflict in Mali at a seminar at IFPRI in Washington DC. The presentation summarized the findings of ongoing work, including those to be published in a forthcoming special issue in World Development on Food Security and Conflict.
Hoddinott, John F.; Akhter, Ahmed; and Roy, Shalini. Randomized control trials demonstrate that nutrition-sensitive social protection interventions increase the use of multiple-micronutrient powders and iron supplements in rural pre-school Bangladeshi children. Public Health Nutrition. First published online February 22, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1368980017004232
Tranchant, Jean-Pierre; Aulo Gelli, Lilia Bliznashka, Amadou Sekou Diallo, Moussa Sacko, Amidou Assima, Emily H. Siegelf, Elisabetta Aurino, Edoardo Masset. The impact of food assistance on food insecure populations during conflict: Evidence from a quasi-experiment in Mali. World Development. First published online 3 March 2018. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2018.01.027