Journal articles
Amare, Mulubrhan; Jensen, Nathaniel D.; Shiferawb, Bekele; and Cissé, Jennifer Denno. 2018. Rainfall shocks and agricultural productivity: Implication for rural household consumption. Agricultural Systems 166(October 2018): 79-89.
Bell, Andrew Reid; Ward, Patrick S.; Mapemba, Lawrence; Nyirenda, Zephania; Msukwa, Wupe; and Kenamu, Edwin. 2018. Data Descriptor: Smart subsidies for catchment conservation in Malawi. Scientific Data 5: 180113
Beraznevaa, Julia; Lee, David R.; Place, Frank; and Jakubsond, George. 2018. Allocation and valuation of smallholder maize residues in Western Kenya. Ecological Economics 152(October 2018): 172-182.
Enahoro, Dolapo; Lannerstad, Mats; Pfeifer, Catherine; Dominguez-Salas, Paula. Contributions of livestock-derived foods to nutrient supply under changing demand in low- and middle-income countries. Global Food Security, Volume 19, 2018, Pages 1-10, ISSN 2211-9124,
Hill, Ruth Vargas; Kumar, Neha; Magnan, Nicholas; Makhija, Simrin; de Nicola, Francesca; Spielman, David J.; and Ward, Patrick S. 2019. Ex ante and ex post effects of hybrid index insurance in Bangladesh. Journal of Development Economics. 136(January 2019): 1-17. Available online 15 September 2018.
Hasegawa, Tomoko; Fujimori, Shinichiro ; Mason-D'Croz, Daniel; Wiebe, Keith D.; Sulser, Timothy B.; et al. 2018. Risk of increased food insecurity under stringent global climate change mitigation policy. Nature Climate Change 8: 699-703.
Komarek, Adam M. Conservation agriculture in western China increases productivity and profits without decreasing resilience. Food Security. Article in press. First published online on September 11, 2018.
Komarek, Adam M.; Koo, Jawoo; Wood-Sichra, Ulrike; and You, Liangzhi. 2018. Spatially-explicit effects of seed and fertilizer intensification for maize in Tanzania. Land Use Policy 78(November 2018): 158-165.
Niu, Chiyu; and Ragasa, Catherine. 2018. Selective attention and information loss in the lab-to-farm knowledge chain: The case of Malawian agricultural extension programs. Agricultural Systems 165(September 2018): 147-163.
Schuenemann, Franziska; Thurlow, James; Meyer, Stefan; Robertson, Richard; and Rodrigues, Joao. 2018. Evaluating irrigation investments in Malawi: economy‐wide impacts under uncertainty and labor constraints. Agricultural Economics 49(2): 237-250.
Other publications
Joshi, Kuhu; Joshi, Pramod Kumar; Khan, Md. Tajuddin; and Kishore, Avinash. 2018. Insights on the rapid adoption of Pusa 1121 basmati variety in North India. IFPRI Discussion Paper 1756. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
Nin-Pratt, Alejandro; and Falconi, César A. 2018. The agricultural R&D investment gap in Latin America and the Caribbean. IFPRI Discussion Paper 1749. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
Rosegrant, Mark W.; Magalhaes, Eduardo; Valmonte-Santos, Rowena; and Mason-D'Croz, Daniel. 2018. Returns to investment in reducing postharvest food losses and increasing agricultural productivity growth. In Prioritizing development: A cost benefit analysis of the United Nations' sustainable development goals, ed. Bjorn Lomborg. Ch. 18 Pp. 322-338. Cambridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press. (book chapter)
Willenbockel, Dirk; Robinson, Sherman; Mason d'Croz, Daniel; Rosegrant, Mark W.; Sulser, Timothy; Dunston, Shahnila; and Cenacchi, Nicola. 2018. Dynamic computable general equilibrium simulations in support of quantitative foresight modeling to inform the CGIAR research portfolio: Linking the IMPACT and GLOBE models. IFPRI Discussion Paper 1738. Washington, DC.: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).