- Giordano Palloni presented a paper on Farmers’ willingness to pay for agriculture and nutrition information in Ghana at the International Conference of Agricultural Economists (ICAE) in Vancouver (July 28-Aug 2)
- Aulo Gelli presented on the findings of the analysis of The impact at scale of the Ghana School Feeding Program on primary school-age children’s anthropometry: A cluster randomized trial at an IFPRI seminar in Washington DC (Aug 28)
Gilligan, Daniel O.; Karachiwalla, Naureen; Kasiirye, Ibrahim; Lucas, Adrienne M.; and Neal, Derek. 2018. Educator incentives and educational triage in rural primary schools. NBER Working Paper No. 24911. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research.
Hirvonen, Kalle; Mascagni, Giulia; and Roelen, Keetie. 2018. Linking taxation and social protection: Evidence on redistribution and poverty reduction in Ethiopia. International Social Security Review 71(1): 3-24.
Lind, Jeremy; Sabates-Wheeler, Rachel; Hoddinott, John F.; and Taffesse, Alemayehu Seyoum. 2018. Targeting social transfers in pastoralist societies: Ethiopia’s productive safety net programme revisited. ESSP Working Paper 124. Washington, DC and Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and Ethiopian Development Research Institute (EDRI).