Climate change matters for all people. Does it matter particularly for young people? If so, where and how?
Keith Wiebe, leader of Cluster 1.1: Foresight Modeling, and Karen Brooks, Adjunct Professor, Georgetown University discussed this topic during the PIM Webinar "Climate resilience and job prospects for young people in agriculture" on February 7, 2019. Webinar description and recordings are available here.
Keith Wiebe and Frank Place attended a workshop organized by CCAFS titled "Breeding foresight: Exploring opportunities around climate-smart breeding for future food and nutrition security" on 19-20 February 2019 at Bioversity International, Rome. The main objective was to share information on the topic among different CGIAR research programs and centers and identify opportunities for future collaboration. Read more about the event and see the workshop report here.
Experimental auctions— to reveal true willingness to pay — for various farming inputs and outputs have increasingly been applied in a smallholder farmer context in developing countries. To stimulate further applications of in-the-field experimental studies, PIM and RTB, with support from the PIM project “Strengthening seed systems and markets”, organized a workshop on the topic on March 21-22 in Nairobi. Patrick Ward (Duke Kunshan University) and Mywish Maredia (Michigan State University) presented at the event (see presentation by Dr.Maredia). Participants included colleagues from CIAT, CIP, IITA, as well as University of Nairobi, Rwanda Agricultural Board, and National Root Crop Research Institute (Umuahia, Nigeria).
Karin Lion (Digital Green) and Kristin Davis (IFPRI, PIM Cluster 1.2) joined forces as co-directors of a Feed the Future project aimed at strengthening global agricultural extension systems called Developing Local Extension Capacity (DLEC) to prove that research-practitioner divide can be overcome. Did they succeed? Read what they think themselves in this blog. The blog is inspired by impressions from the DLEC’s 2nd Annual Global Community of Practice convening on March 20th in Kampala, Uganda, organised with support from PIM.
Journal articles
Asseng, Senthold; Martre, Pierre; Maiorano, Andrea; Rötter, Reimund P.; O’Leary, Garry J.; et al. 2019. Climate change impact and adaptation for wheat protein. Global Change Biology 25(1): 155-173.
Brooks, Karen; and Place, Frank M. 2019. Global food systems: Can foresight learn from hindsight? Global Food Security 20(March 2019): 66-71.
Chaminuka, Petronella; Beintema, Nienke M.; Flaherty, Kathleen; and Liebenberg, Frikkie. 2019. Public agricultural research and development spending in South Africa – update. Agrekon 58(1):7-20.
Ditzler, Lenora; Komarek, Adam M.; Chiang, Tsai-Wei; Alvarez, Stéphanie; Chatterjee, Shantonu Abe; Timler, Carl; et al. 2019. A model to examine farm household trade-offs and synergies with an application to smallholders in Vietnam. Agricultural Systems 173(July 2019): 49-63.
Enahoro, Dolapo; Mason-D’Croz, Daniel; Mul, Marloes; Rich, Karl M.; Robinson, Timothy P.; Thornton, Philip; and Staal, Steven S. 2019. Supporting sustainable expansion of livestock production in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa: Scenario analysis of investment options. Global Food Security 20(March 2019): 114-121.
Gars, Jared; and Ward, Patrick S. 2019. Can differences in individual learning explain patterns of technology adoption? Evidence on heterogeneous learning patterns and hybrid rice adoption in Bihar, India. World Development 115(March 2019): 178-189.
Jayne, T.S.; Snapp, Sieglinda; Place, Frank M.; and Sitko, Nicholas. 2019. Sustainable agricultural intensification in an era of rural transformation in Africa. Global Food Security 20(March 2019): 105-113.
Kiptot, Evelyne; and Franzel, Steven. 2019. Stakeholder planning of the institutionalization of the volunteer farmer-trainer approach in dairy producer organizations in Kenya: Key steps and supporting mechanisms. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 17(1): 18-33.
Mogues, Tewodaj; Mueller, Valerie; and Kondylis, Florence. 2019. Cost-effectiveness of community-based gendered advisory services to farmers: Analysis in Mozambique and Tanzania. PLOS One 14(3): e0211448.
Schmidt, Emily; and Tadesse, Fanaye. The impact of sustainable land management on household crop production in the Blue Nile Basin, Ethiopia. Land Degradation & Development. Article in press. First published online on January 22, 2019.
Stevenson, James; Vanlauwe, Bernard; Macours, Karen; Johnson, Nancy; Krishnan, Lakshmi; Place, Frank; Spielman, David J.; Hughes, Karl; and Vlek, Paul. 2019. Farmer adoption of plot- and farm-level natural resource management practices: Between rhetoric and reality. Global Food Security 20(March 2019): 101-104.
Other publications
Babu, Suresh Chandra; and Sah, Ram Pratap. 2019. Agricultural research and extension system in Nepal: An organizational review. IFPRI Discussion Paper 1801. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
Franzel, Steven; Kiptot, Evelyne; and Degrande, Ann. 2019. Farmer-to-farmer extension: A low-cost approach for promoting climate-smart agriculture. In The Climate-Smart Agriculture Papers, eds. Todd S. Rosenstock, Andreea Nowak, and Evan Girvetz. Part Five: Taking Climate-Smart Agriculture to Scale, Chapter 24, Pp. 277-288.
Gêmo, Hélder R.; and Babu, Suresh Chandra. 2019. Empowering smallholder farmers’ organizations through non-public extension service providers: A case study and lessons from Mozambique. IFPRI Discussion Paper 1807. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). 2019. Ex-Ante impact evaluation of the removal of quantitative restrictions (QR) on Philippine rice. Project Factsheet. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
Pradesha, Angga; Robinson, Sherman; Mondal, Md. Hossain Alam; Valmonte-Santos, Rowena; and Rosegrant, Mark W. 2019. Green growth strategy: The economywide impact of promoting renewable power generation in the Philippines. IFPRI Discussion Paper 1802. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
Robertson, Richard D. 2019. A land accounting model for IMPACT (with early results). IFPRI Discussion Paper 1800. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
Thomas, Timothy S.; Dorosh, Paul A.; and Robertson, Richard D. 2019. Climate change impacts on crop yields in Ethiopia. ESSP Working Paper 130. Washington, DC and Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and Ethiopian Development Research Institute (EDRI).
Varshney, Deepak; Joshi, Pramod Kumar; and Roy, Devesh. 2019. Estimating the adoption of modern cultivars in Rajasthan: A descriptive analysis. IFPRI Discussion Paper 1806. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
Varshney, Deepak; Joshi, Pramod Kumar; and Roy, Devesh. 2019. Identifying innovators and early adopters of agricultural technology: A case of wheat varieties in Rajasthan, India. IFPRI Discussion Paper 1808. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
Varshney, Deepak; Joshi, Pramod Kumar; and Roy, Devesh. 2019. Social networking amid social differentiation in the adoption of improved technologies: A case study in Rajasthan, India. IFPRI Discussion Paper 1817. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
Ward, Patrick S.; Gupta, Shweta; Singh, Vartika; Gautam, Shriniwas; and Guerena, David. 2019. What is the true value of fertilizer? An assessment of farmers willingness-to-pay for fertilizers across the Hill and Terai regions of Nepal. CSISA Research Note 13. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
Ward, Patrick S.; Gupta, Shweta; Singh, Vartika; Ortega, David L.; Gautam, Shriniwas; Guerena, David; and Shrestha, Rudra Bahadur. 2019. What is the intrinsic value of fertilizer? Experimental value elicitation and decomposition in the Hill and Terai regions of Nepal. IFPRI Discussion Paper 1812. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).