Ghosh, Ranjan Kumar; Gupta, Shweta; Singh, Vartika; and Ward, Patrick S. 2019. Is there a market for multi-peril crop insurance in developing countries moving beyond subsidies? Evidence from India. IFPRI Discussion Paper 1820. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
Kannan, Samyuktha; Kramer, Berber; and Singh, Vartika. 2019. “Seeing is Believing:” Research project on smartphone camera data for agricultural risk management. Workshop February 1-2, 2019. Chennai, India. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
Kumar, Anjani; Mishra, Ashok K.; Saroj, Sunil; and Joshi, Pramod Kumar. Impact of traditional versus modern dairy value chains on food security: Evidence from India’s dairy sector. Food Policy. Article in press. First published online on February 2, 2019.
Ragasa, Catherine; Andam, Kwaw S.; Amewu, Sena; and Asante, Seth. 2019. Consumer demand and willingness to pay for safe food in Accra, Ghana: Implications for public and private sectors’ roles in food safety management. IFPRI Discussion Paper 1795. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).