Fiona Flintan (ILRI) discussed Innovations to help secure pastoral land tenure and governance in the PIM Webinar on March 28. Description, full recordings, podcast, and slides are available here.
A great team of Flagship 5 colleagues from CIFOR, ICRAF, and IFPRI presented at and attended the Annual World Bank's Land and Poverty Conference 2019: Catalyzing Innovation.More information can be found here and here.
A new guide published by the Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR) with support from PIM is designed to help investors better understand the challenges and opportunities of investing in resources managed collectively by a community – where the community is the principal investment partner.
Ghebru, Hosaena; and Girmachew, Fikirte. 2019. Perceived tenure (in)security in the era of rural transformation: Gender-disaggregated analysis from Mozambique. IFPRI Discussion Paper 1799. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
Ghebru, Hosaena and Stein, Holden. 2019. Land rental markets and rural poverty dynamics in Northern Ethiopia: Panel data evidence using survival models. Review of Development Economics 23(1): 131-154. (also F2)
Gnych, Sophia; Lawry, Steven; Monterroso, Iliana; Adhikary, Anukram; and McLain, Rebecca. 2019. A guide to investing in collectively held resources. Bogor, Indonesia: Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR).
McLain, Rebecca; Lawry, Steven; Guariguata, Manuel R.; and Reed, James. Toward a tenure-responsive approach to forest landscape restoration: A proposed tenure diagnostic for assessing restoration opportunities. Land Use Policy. Article in press. First published online on December 27, 2018.