In their recent IFPRI Issue Post, Joseph Glauber, David Laborde, and Marie Parent explain why the WTO Dispute Settlement procedure is on the verge of crisis. The blog is drawing from an earlier study funded by PIM.
Alan de Brauw discussed Determinants of rural youth migration throughout the developing world during the PIM Webinar on May 14.
The ICRISAT blog "Strengthening value chain essential for increased livestock production and food security, say scientists" features a collaborative project "Enabling Value Chains to Create Sustainable Income for Vulnerable People in Crop Livestock Systems of Burkina Faso and Niger" supported by USAID under the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Livestock Systems, PIM, and the CGIAR Research Program on Grain Legumes and Dryland Cereals.
Journal articles
Hatzenbuehler, Patrick L.; Abbot, Philip C.; and Abdoulaye, Tahirou. Growing condition variations and grain prices in Niger and Nigeria. European Review of Agricultural Economics. Article in press. First published online on June 18, 2019.
Kassie, Girma T.; Wubie, Rahel Solomon; Tokgoz, Simla; Majeed, Fahd; Yitayih, Mulugeta; and Rischkowsky, Barbara. Policy-induced price distortions along the small ruminant value chains in Ethiopia. Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies. Article in press. First published online on April, 2019.
Shee, Apurba; Turvey, Calum G.; and You, Liangzhi. Design and rating of risk-contingent credit for balancing business and financial risks for Kenyan farmers. Applied Economics. Article in press. First published online on May 07, 2019.
Other publications
Ajmani, Manmeet; Joshi, Pramod Kumar; Roy, Devesh; and Renjini, V. R. 2019. Assessing agricultural market integration of Cambodia within and beyond ASEAN. IFPRI Discussion Paper 1845. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
Andam, Kwaw S.; Ragasa, Catherine; Asante, Seth; and Amewu, Sena. 2019. Can local products compete against imports in West Africa? Supply-and demand-side perspectives on chicken, rice, and tilapia in Accra, Ghana. IFPRI Discussion Paper 1821. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
Bouët, Antoine; Metivier, Jeanne; and Parent, Marie. 2019. Is the WTO dispute settlement procedure fair to developing countries? MTID Project Note. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
Ghosh, Ranjan Kumar; Gupta, Shweta; Singh, Vartika; and Ward, Patrick S. 2019. Is there a market for multi-peril crop insurance in developing countries moving beyond subsidies? Evidence from India. IFPRI Discussion Paper 1820. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
Islam, Abu Hayat Md. Saiful; Roy, Devesh; Kumar, Anjani; Tripathi, Gaurav; and Joshi, Pramod Kumar. 2019. Dairy contract farming in Bangladesh: Implications for welfare and food safety. IFPRI Discussion Paper 1833. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
Mekonen, Leulsegged Kasa; Minot, Nicholas; Warner, James; and Abate, Gashaw T. 2019. Performance of direct seed marketing pilot program in Ethiopia: Lessons for scaling-up. ESSP Working Paper 132. Washington, DC and Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Policy Studies Institute.
Msangi, Siwa; Were, Kennedy; Musana, Bernard; Mudiope, Joseph; Dusengemungu, Leonidas; Tanui, Lucas; Muhutu, Jean-Claude; Ayaga, George; Kajiru, Geophrey; and Korutaro, Birungi. 2019. Enhancing productivity and market access for key staples in the EAC region: An economic analysis of biophysical and market potential. In Applied methods for agriculture and natural resource management, eds. Siwa Msangi and Duncan MacEwan. Pp. 213-260. Cham, Switzerland: Springer.
Tokgoz, Simla. 2019. The food-fuel-fiber debate. In Biofuels, bioenergy and food security: Technology, institutions and policies, eds. Deepayan Debnath and Suresh Chandra Babu. Section 3: Sector/Market Integration, Contributions, Debates and Challenges, Chapter 5, Pp. 79-99. London, UK; San Diego, CA, USA: Academic Press.
Ward, Patrick S.; Gupta, Shweta; Singh, Vartika; Gautam, Shriniwas; and Guerena, David. 2019. What is the true value of fertilizer? An assessment of farmers willingness-to-pay for fertilizers across the hill and Terai regions of Nepal. CSISA Research Note 13. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).