Egypt Takaful and Karama cash transfer impact evaluation project undertaken by PIM colleagues as part of Flagship 4 portfolio, received significant media attention recently in connection to the World Bank President's visit to Takaful and Karama projects in Aswan, Egypt. Egypt's Minister of Social Solidarity Ghada Wali who accompanied Mr. Malbas in the tour, pointed out that according to the International Food Policy Research Institute, the number of families benefiting from the program Takaful increased by 8.4 percent compared to non-supported households.
In addition, Egypt’s BBC service published a news report on a national beneficiary program, and cited findings from IFPRI’s impact evaluation that found that the Takaful and Dignity program has many impressive implications for the empowerment and economic integration of women, including increasing their decision-making capacity. The article was republished in several outlets and reached nearly 852k.
Ahmed, Akhter; Hoddinott, John F.; and Roy, Shalini. 2019. Food transfers, cash transfers, behavior change communication and child nutrition: Evidence from Bangladesh. IFPRI Discussion Paper 1868. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
Dorosh, Paul; Filipski, Mateusz J.; Hoddinott, John F.; Hoque, Mainul; Iqbal, Zabid; Mozumder, Golam Nabi; Rosenbach, Gracie; Sen, Binayak; Tiburcio, Ernesto; Uddin, Riaz; and Yunus, Mohammed. 2019. The Rohingya: Displacement, deprivation, and policy. IFPRI Issue Brief. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
Filipski, Mateusz J.; Tiburcio, Ernesto; Dorosh, Paul A.; Hoddinott, John F.; and Rosenbach, Gracie. 2019. Modelling the economic impact of the Rohingya Influx in Southern Bangladesh. IFPRI Discussion Paper 1819. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).