Read the latest CGIAR Collaborative Platform for Gender Research Newsletter for updates from the Platform.
Caitlin Kieran discusses the new paper by Tanguy et al (see link below) in the blog "Using vignettes to understand decision-making processes within households."
Jie Song presented “How Do Perceptions of Relative Poverty Influence Women's Empowerment? Evidence from Papua New Guinea” at the 2019 Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP) in Lisbon, July 12-15, 2019.
Juliana Muriel published a blog (in Spanish), entitled “Marañón y Empoderamiento de Mujeres en el Golfo de Fonseca” (“Cashews and Female Empowerment in the Gulf of Fonseca”) covering PIM related work around women’s empowerment in cashew value chains in Honduras.
Acosta M, van Wessel M, van Bommel S, Ampaire E, Twyman J, Jassogne L, Feindt PH. 2019. What does it Mean to Make a ‘Joint’ Decision? Unpacking Intra-household Decision Making in Agriculture: Implications for Policy and Practice. The Journal of Development Studies. (CCAFS paper with contributions from PIM-supported author (J.Twyman))
Bernard, Tanguy; Doss, Cheryl R.; Hidrobo, Melissa; Hoel, Jessica B.; and Kieran, Caitlin. 2020. Ask me why: Patterns of intrahousehold decision-making. World Development 125 (January 2020): 104671.
Komatsu, Hitomi; Malapit, Hazel J.; and Balagamwala, Mysbah. Gender effects of agricultural cropping work and nutrition status in Tanzania. PLoS ONE. Article in press. First published online on September 06, 2019.
Roy, Shalini; Hidrobo, Melissa; Hoddinott, John F.; Koch, Bastien; and Ahmed, Akhter. 2019. Can transfers and behavior change communication reduce intimate partner violence four years post-program? Experimental evidence from Bangladesh. IFPRI Discussion Paper 1869. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).