Mueller, Valerie; and Thurlow, James (Eds.) 2019. Youth and jobs in rural Africa: Beyond stylized facts. New York, NY: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and Oxford University Press. (also see Synopsis)
Journal articles
Chilemba, Joanna; and Ragasa, Catherine. The impact on farmer incomes of a nationwide scaling up of the farmer business school program: Lessons and insights from central Malawi. The European Journal of Development Research. Article in press. First published online on October 15, 2019.
Chen, Joyce J.; Kosec, Katrina; and Mueller, Valerie. 2019. Temporary and permanent migrant selection: Theory and evidence of ability‐search cost dynamics. Review of Development Economics 23(4): 1477-1519.
Gassner, Anja; Harris, D.; Mausch, K.; Terheggen, A.; Lopes, C.; Finlayson, R. F.; and Dobie, P. 2019. Poverty eradication and food security through agriculture in Africa: Rethinking objectives and entry points. Outlook on Agriculture 48(4): 309-315.
Jayne, T. S.; Muyanga, Milu; Wineman, Ayala; Ghebru, Hosaena; Stevens, Caleb; et al. 2019. Are medium‐scale farms driving agricultural transformation in sub‐Saharan Africa? Agricultural Economics 50(S1): 75-95.
Komarek, Adam M.; Thurlow, James; Koo, Jawoo; and De Pinto, Alessandro. Economywide effects of climate‐smart agriculture in Ethiopia. Agricultural Economics 50(6): 765-778.
Kosec, Katrina; and Mogues, Tewodaj. Public investment choices by local and central governments. World Bank Economic Review. Article in press. First published online on November 28, 2019.
Mueller, Valerie; Sheriff, Glenn; Dou, Xiaoya; and Gray, Clark. 2020. Temporary migration and climate variation in Eastern Africa. World Development 126 (February 2020): 104704.
Pal, Barun Deb; and Saroj, Sunil. 2019. Do improved agricultural practices boost farm productivity? The evidence from Karnataka, India. Agricultural Economics Research Review 32 (Conference): 55-75.
Takeshima, Hiroyuki; Hatzenbuehler, Patrick L.; and Edeh, Hyacinth O. 2020. Effects of agricultural mechanization on economies of scope in crop production in Nigeria. Agricultural Systems 177 (January 2020): 102691.
Other publications
Abate, Gashaw T.; Dereje, Mekdim; Hirvonen, Kalle; and Minten, Bart. 2019. Synopsis: Geography of public service delivery in rural Ethiopia. ESSP Project Note 74. Washington, DC and Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Policy Studies Institute.
Ambler, Kate; Godlonton, Susan; and Recalde, Maria P. 2019. Follow the leader? A field experiment on social influence. Williams College Economics Department Working Paper 24.
Bruns, Bryan Randolph. 2019. Practising polycentric governance. In Governing complexity: Analyzing and applying polycentricity, eds. Andreas Thiel, William A. Blomquist, and Dustin E. Garrick. Chapter 11.
Ecker, Olivier; and Kennedy, Adam. 2019. Transforming agriculture to improve food and nutrition security in Nigeria. Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Food Security Policy Research Brief 99. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University.
Ghebru, Hosaena; and Kennedy, Adam. 2019. Nigeria land governance reform: What needs to be done to stimulate demand and support market growth? Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Food Security Policy Research Brief 97. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University.
Ghebru, Hosaena; Smart, Jenny; and Mogues, Tewodaj. 2019. Access to markets for smallholder farmers in Alto Molócue and Molumbo, Mozambique: Mid-term impact evaluation of INOVAGRO II. IFPRI Discussion Paper 1877. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
Gilbert, Rachel; Benson, Todd; and Ecker, Olivier. 2019. Are Malawian Diets Changing? An assessment of nutrient consumption and dietary patterns using household-level evidence from 2010/11 and 2016/17. MaSSP Working Paper 30. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
Hirvonen, Kalle; Wolle, Abdulazize. 2019. Consumption, production, market access and affordability of nutritious foods in six regions of Ethiopia. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: Alive & Thrive; International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). 2019. IFPRI monthly maize market report, November 2019. MaSSP Monthly Maize Market Report. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
Kosec, Katrina; and Song, Jie. 2019. The effects of income fluctuations on rural health and nutrition. Project Note. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
Kosec, Katrina; Mo, Cecilia Hyunjung; Schmidt, Emily; and Song, Jie. 2019. How do perceptions of relative poverty affect women's empowerment? Evidence from Papua New Guinea. Project Note. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
Ojo, Temitope O.; Ogundeji, Abiodun A.; Babu, Suresh Chandra; and Alimi, Taiwo. 2019. Estimating financing gaps in rice production in southwestern Nigeria. IFPRI Discussion Paper 1818. Washington, D.C.: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
Ragasa, Catherine; Mthinda, Catherine; Chowa, Clodina; Mzungu, Diston; Kalagho, Kenan; and Kazembe, Cynthia. 2019. Assessing and strengthening Malawi’s pluralistic agricultural extension system: Evidence and lessons from a three-year research study. Project Note. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
Rana, Abdul Wajid. 2019. Civil service reforms in Pakistan. PACE Policy Research Paper. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
Rana, Abdul Wajid. 2019. Creating fiscal space for enhancing public investment in Sindh agriculture sector: A qualitative study of provincial spending in Pakistan. PACE Policy Research Paper. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
Rana, Abdul Wajid. 2019. Strategies and mechanisms for mainstreaming climate change into agriculture and irrigation sector reforms. PACE Policy Research Paper.
Rana, Abdul Wajid; Pakistan Agricultural Capacity Enhancement Program (PACE); and International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). 2019. Comprehensive institutional review for climate resilient agriculture. PACE Research Report. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
Rashid, Shahidur; Zhang, Xiaobo, (Eds.). 2019. The making of a blue revolution in Bangladesh: Enablers, impacts, and the path ahead for aquaculture. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
Takeshima, Hiroyuki; Akramov, Kamiljon T.; Park, Allen; Ilyasov, Jarilkasin; and Ergasheva, Tanzila. 2019. Agriculture-nutrition linkages, cooking-time, intrahousehold equality among women and children: Evidence from Tajikistan. IFPRI Discussion Paper 1882. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
Takeshima, Hiroyuki; and Kennedy, Adam. 2019. Mechanization in Nigeria: What needs to be done to stimulate demand and support market growth? Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Food Security Policy Research Brief 98. East Lansing, MI: Michigan State University.
Takeshima, Hiroyuki; Liu, Yanyan. 2019. Geography of smallholders’ tractor adoptions and R&D–Induced land productivity: Evidence from household survey data in Ghana. IFPRI Discussion Paper 1871. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
Thapa, Ganesh, ed.; Kumar, Anjani, ed.; and Joshi, Pramod Kumar, ed. 2019. Agricultural transformation in Nepal: Trends, prospects, and policy options. Singapore: Springer.
Van Campenhout, Bjorn; Minten, Bart; and Swinnen, Johan. 2019. Domestic versus export-led agricultural transformation: Evidence from Uganda’s dairy value chain. IFPRI Discussion Paper 1883. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
Van Campenhout, Bjorn; Nabwire, Leocardia; Walukano, Wilberforce; Kabunga, Nassul Ssentamu; Bizimungu, Emmanuel; and Smart, Jenny. 2019. Pathways to strengthen the quality of public service delivery in Uganda: Barazas as citizen advocacy forums. Baraza Project Policy Note. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
Vandercasteelen, Joachim; Minten, Bart; and Tamru, Seneshaw. 2019. Cities, value chains, and dairy production in Ethiopia. ESSP Working Paper 137. Washington, DC; Addis Ababa, Ethiopia: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI); Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Policy Studies Institute.