Selected publications
Ghebru, Hosaena; and Lambrecht, Isabel. 2017. Drivers of perceived land tenure (in)security: Empirical evidence from Ghana. Land Use Policy. 66(July 2017): 293-303.
Egyleng, Henrik; Bosselmann, Aske S.; Warui, Mary; Maina, Freda; Mburu, John; and Gyau, Amos. Origin products from African forests: A Kenyan pathway to prosperity and green inclusive growth? Forest Policy and Economics. Article in press. First published online September 21, 2016.
Monterroso, I.; Cronkleton, P.; Pinedo, D.; and Larson, A.M. 2017. Reclaiming collective rights: land and forest tenure reforms in Peru (1960-2016). CIFOR Working Paper 224.
Robinson, B. E., Masuda, Y. J., Kelly, A., Holland, M. B., Bedford, C., Childress, M., Fletschner, D., Game, E. T., Ginsburg, C., Hilhorst, T., Lawry, S., Miteva, D. A., Musengezi, J., Naughton-Treves, L., Nolte, C., Sunderlin, W. D. and Veit, P. Incorporating Land Tenure Security into Conservation. CONSERVATION LETTERS. Accepted Author Manuscript. doi:10.1111/conl.12383