Flagship 1: Technological Innovation and Sustainable Intensification
- Cluster 1.1: Food Systems Futures
- Cluster 1.2: Science Policy and Innovation Systems for Sustainable Intensification
Flagship 2: Economywide Factors Affecting Agricultural Growth and Rural Transformation
- Cluster 2.1: Agricultural Transformation and Rural Incomes
- Cluster 2.2: Public Investments and Institutions
- Cluster 2.3: Political Economy and Policy Processes
- Cluster 2.4: Client-Responsive Country and Regional Engagement and Partnership
Flagship 3: Inclusive and Efficient Value Chains
- Cluster 3.1: The Policy Environment for Value Chains
- Cluster 3.2: Interventions to Strengthen Value Chains
- Cluster 3.3:Value Chains Research: Outreach and Scaling
Flagship 4: Social Protection for Agriculture and Resilience
- Cluster 4.1: Social Protection Delivery and Outcomes
- Cluster 4.2: Improving Resilience for the Poor in Fragile and Low-income Settings
Flagship 5: Governance of Natural Resources
- Cluster 5.1: Enhancing Tenure Security
- Cluster 5.2: Governing Shared Landscapes
Flagship 6: Cross-cutting Gender Research and Coordination
- Cluster 6.1: Gender, Agricultural Productivity, and Rural Transformation
- Cluster 6.2: Collaborative Gender Research (formerly the CGIAR Collaborative Platform for Gender Research (2017-2019))
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Banner photo: M. Yousuf Tushar / WorldFish