

In early October 2018, PIM’s Flagship on Inclusive and Efficient Value Chains hosted a workshop on Integrating Value Chain Research across CGIAR. The goal of the meeting, held jointly with our partner Wageningen University and Research, was to catalyze the development of a CGIAR Value Chains community of practice.
Understanding the psychological dimensions of poverty is critical for understanding how to alleviate it. This webinar with Katrina Kosec on Dec 19 will highlight novel research on two psychological phenomena that are closely linked with experiencing poverty and economic vulnerability: 1) having low aspirations, or ambitions, for the future, and 2) having low levels of trust or confidence in one’s government.
The devolution of forest rights to local communities is seen as a critical element of strategies aimed at conserving tropical forests and strengthening livelihoods based on them. In this webinar on December 13, we will present findings of an in-depth study of 12 community concessions in the Maya Biosphere Reserve in Petén, Guatemala that focuses on the community forest enterprises.
This seminar on Nov 20, organized jointly by CGIAR and the World Bank, will discuss latest evidence of relevance to all those engaged in food systems and climate change. Attend in person or remotely via WebEx.
Land acquisitions by foreign and local investors has generated much speculation about the impacts on smallholder households and rural communities. Jordan Chamberlin (CIMMYT) presents a study that aims to determine the impact of farm structure on rural household incomes in Tanzania.
There is a long history of common property, which we can define as resources held and managed collectively by a group. But what is their relevance for today … and for tomorrow? An Oct. 4 IFPRI policy seminar, held to mark the first World Commons Week, provided perspectives on past, present, and future challenges and opportunities.
When: 17 October 2018, 10-11 am EST Presenter: Simla Tokgoz, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)   Measuring policy
In this webinar on October 4, we will summarize major lessons about mechanization learned from the South-South knowledge exchange supported by the Policies, Institutions, and Markets CGIAR Research Program. First, we’ll discuss some key messages that have come out of a compilation and synthesis of the mechanization growth experience in Asia and Africa...
While agricultural insurance has been around for a long time, its adoption by smallholders around the world has been limited. High costs, asymmetric information, moral hazard, lack of trust are among the reasons. Join our webinar on September 19 to learn about two innovative approaches to agricultural insurance that aim to overcome these challenges.