

Last week was a tough one for our small group of IFPRI researchers in Accra. On Tuesday, we delivered a message to one of our partner organizations there that its project to promote integrated soil fertility management (ISFM) to Ghanaian smallholders did not yield any measurable impacts during the course of our two-year evaluation.
In this video, Cheryl Doss, leader of our “Cross-cutting Gender Research and Coordination” flagship, talks about the three big issues the flagship is focusing on, and the team’s contribution to developing methods for collecting sex-disaggregated data for better gender analysis.
In these two brief video interviews, we asked our colleagues Sheri Arnott (World Vision) and Bart Minten (IFPRI) to talk about the great work that our IFPRI team and partners have been doing to support the implementation of Ethiopia's Productive Safety Net Programme.
Harold Alderman, senior research fellow at IFPRI and collaborator in PIM’s “Social Protection for Agriculture and Resilience” research flagship, speaks about the importance of transfer programs, how they can be improved, and how researchers can help in design of such programs. What else is required if social protection programs are to go beyond poverty alleviation and become graduation programs as well?
In this video, Daniel Gilligan, senior research fellow at IFPRI and leader of PIM's research flagship “Social Protection for Agriculture and Resilience”, discusses why social protection programs, such as cash transfers, food rations, school meals, and public works are now a leading strategy that governments use to help reduce poverty and help households to become more resilient.
[WEBINAR RECORDING] Despite broad interest in the problem, measurement of food loss and waste is problematical, especially in developing countries. Our webinar on May 8 will present a new methodology to measure food losses and the results of its application in several value chains in Latin America, Ethiopia, and China.
To better understand fisheries, scientists applied a review method from the medical world. A new analysis brings together evidence from 31 articles in a wide range of contexts around the world. Fisheries are used as a particular lens for addressing the broader question for natural resource management: Given the complexity and diversity of socio-ecological systems around the world, how can we devise the best ways to intervene to promote sustainability?
The most enduring solutions for feeding people and reducing extreme poverty in low-income countries entail efforts that empower rural farmers to increase their productive capacities. On April 23, PIM Director Karen Brooks will join a panel of experts at Brookings Institution to discuss the issues and constraints such efforts entail.
The new paper investigates how youth migration in Ethiopia and Malawi affects household labor, hired labor demand, and income, and whether these effects vary by migrant sex and destination.