Cluster 1.1: Foresight Modeling
- The Global Futures and Strategic Foresight (GFSF) team will be making a regular contribution to IFPRI’s annual flagship publication, the Global Food Policy Report, in the form of a statistical annex presenting up-to-date projections for key indicators of production, consumption, trade, and hunger from the IMPACT system of models. Click here for more information on the 2017 Global Food Policy Report. This year’s annex tables (extended version) are also available for download via this dedicated Dataverse portal. For more information, see this post on the GFSF website.
- In this post, Daniel Mason-D'Croz and Shahnila Islam (IFPRI) present a new paper titled “Linking regional stakeholder scenarios and shared socioeconomic pathways: Quantified West African food and climate futures in a global context”. The study published recently in the journal Global Environmental Change provides insights on how strategic planning by decision makers could ease or exacerbate food security challenges caused by climate change in West Africa. Read more>
- PIM Director Karen Brooks and co-leader of Cluster 1.1 Keith Wiebe participated in the international workshop "Strengthening Foresight and Scenario Analysis for the Global Food System. Foresight4Food: Linking Science, Policy and Business in Pursuit of SDG2" on 22-23 March 2017 in Oxford, UK. The event was hosted by the Environmental Change Institute (ECI) and the Oxford Martin School and organized in collaboration with FAO, IFPRI, and PIM. Funding to support the workshop was provided by the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), Oxford University through the UK Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, and the CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM). Read more in this ECI blog>>
- In this post, we are talking about the new WorldFish/IFPRI report "Fish to 2050 in the ASEAN region", which presents a baseline projection of fish supply, net trade, consumption, and nutrition in the ASEAN region to 2050. According to the paper, fish production in the region will continue to grow and is likely to reach nearly a quarter share of global fish output in 2030 and then sustain this share to 2050.
- Representatives of a wide range of public agencies, agricultural institutions, and farmer associations attended a workshop on Conservation Agriculture in Tunisia, held in Tunis on 16 March. The event was organized by ICARDA jointly with IRESA-Tunisia (Agricultural Research and Higher Education Institution) under the auspices of the Global Futures and Strategic Foresight project of the CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institution, and Markets.
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Cluster 1.2: Science Policy and Innovation Systems for Sustainable Intensification
- Co-leader of Cluster 1.2 David Spielman (IFPRI) participated in the workshop "The moving landscape of moving germplasm" held on 15 February at IFPRI (Washington D.C.) and convened jointly with colleagues from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Arizona State University (ASU), the International Center for Agricultural Research and Development (CIRAD-France), and IFPRI.
- The Agricultural Science and Technology Indicators (ASTI) team convened an expert advisory meeting with research colleagues and implementation and donor partners on 21-22 March to reflect on the program's future after the end of the current phase in December 2018. The participants shared thoughts on the mission and core elements of the program and discussed new opportunities that will be taken into account by the ASTI team as it drafts a new strategy in the coming months.
- The new book "Agriculture and the Rural Economy in Pakistan: Issues, Outlooks, and Policy Priorities" co-edited by David Spielman was launched at IFPRI on 25 January. Recording of the event is available here. (This research was supported by PIM and is a joint output of Flagships 1 and 2).
- More about recent research results from Cluster 1.2 in these blogs:
Exploring farmers’ willingness to pay for drought tolerance in maize in Zimbabwe
Evaluating impact of participatory agricultural interventions: do we see what we want to see?
Selected publications
Chan, C.Y., Tran, N., Dao, C.D., Sulser, T.B., Phillips, M.J., Batka, M., Wiebe, K., Preston, N. (2017). Fish to 2050 in the ASEAN region. Penang, Malaysia: WorldFish and Washington DC, USA: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). Working Paper: 2017-01
Gbegbelegbe, Sika; Cammarano, D.; Asseng, S.; Robertson, R.; Chung, U.; Adam, M.; Abdalla, O.; Payne, T.; Reynolds, M.; Sonder, K.; Shiferaw, B.; and Nelson, G. 2017. Baseline simulation for global wheat production with CIMMYT mega-environment specific cultivars. Field Crops Research 202 (2017): 122–135.
Haile, B., Azzarri, C., Roberts, C. and Spielman, D. J. Targeting, bias, and expected impact of complex innovations on developing-country agriculture: evidence from Malawi. Agricultural Economics. Article in press. First published online on December 29, 2016.
Kassie, Girma T.; Abdulai, Awudu; Greene, William H.; Shiferaw, Bekele; Abate, Tsedeke; Tarekegne, Amsal; and Sutcliffe, Chloe. Modeling preference and willingness to pay for drought tolerance (DT) in maize in rural Zimbabwe. World Development. Article in press. First published online March 6, 2017.
Kiptot, Evelyne; Kimaiyo, Joan; Kirui, Josephine; Wafula, Sylvia; and Franzel, Steven. 2017. The power of television in triggering feedback through mobile phones. Nairobi, Kenya: World Agroforestry Centre.
Li, Tao; Angeles, Olivyn; Marcaida, Manuel; Manalo, Emmali; Manalili, Mervin Pogs; Radanielson, Ando; and Mohanty, Samarendu. 2017. From ORYZA2000 to ORYZA (v3): An improved simulation model for rice in drought and nitrogen-deficient environments. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 237 (2017): 246-256.
Nazziwa-Nviiri, Lydia; Van Campenhout, Bjorn; and Amwonya, David. 2017. Stimulating agricultural technology adoption: Lessons from fertilizer use among Ugandan potato farmers. IFPRI Discussion Paper 1608. Washington, D.C.: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
Raymundo, Rubí; Asseng, Senthold; Prassad, Rishi; Kleinwecther, Ulrich; Concha, Juan; Condori, Bruno; Bowen, Walter; Wolf, Joost; Olesen, Jørgen E.; Dong, Qiaoxue; Zotarelli, Lincoln; Gastelo, Manuel; Alva, Ashok; Travasso, Maria; Quiroz, Roberto; Arora, Vijay; Graham, Wendy; and Porter, Cheryl H. 2017. Performance of the SUBSTOR-potato model across contrasting growing conditions. Field Crops Research 202 (2017): 57–76.