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• Synthesis Briefs
Abay, Kibrom A.; Berhane, Guush; Taffesse, Alemayehu Seyoum; Abay, Kibrewossen; and Koru, Bethlehem. Estimating input complementarities with unobserved heterogeneity: Evidence from Ethiopia. Journal of Agricultural Economics. First published online on September 21, 2017.
Abay, Kibrom A.; Blalock, Garrick; and Berhane, Guush. 2017. Locus of control and technology adoption in developing country agriculture: Evidence from Ethiopia. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization 143(November 2017): 98-115.
Abay, Kibrom A.; Kahsay, Goytom A.; and Berhane, Guush. Social networks and factor markets: Panel data evidence from Ethiopia. The Journal of Development Studies 54(1): 174-190.
Akerele, D.; Sanusi, Rasaki A.; Fadare, Olusegun; and Ashaolu, O.F. 2017. Factors influencing nutritional adequacy among rural households in Nigeria: How does dietary diversity stand among influencers? Ecology of Food and Nutrition 56 (2): 187-203.
Alderman, Harold; Behrman, Jere R.; Tasneem, Afia. The Contribution of Increased Equity to the Estimated Social Benefits from a Transfer Program: An Illustration from PROGRESA/Oportunidades,
The World Bank Economic Review
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Ambler, Kate; de Brauw, Alan; and Godlonton, Susan. Measuring postharvest losses at the farm level in Malawi. Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. Published online on October 11, 2017.
Bachewe, Fantu Nisrane; Berhane, Guush; Minten, Bart; and Taffesse, Alemayehu Seyoum. Agricultural Transformation in Africa? Assessing the Evidence in Ethiopia. World Development. First published online on June 3, 2017:
Battese, George E.; Nazli, Hina; Smale, Melinda. 2017. Factors influencing the productivity and efficiency of wheat farmers in Punjab, Pakistan. Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies 7(2): 82-98.
Beintema, Nienke M. 2017. An assessment of the gender gap in African agricultural research capacities. Agri-Gender 2(1): 1-13.
Benson, Todd. 2017. Agricultural correlates of aggregate nutritional outcomes in Malawi: District-level rank analysis. Outlook on Agriculture 46(4): 279-288.
Bernard, Tanguy; de Janvry, Alain; Mbaye, Samba; and Sadoulet, Elisabeth. 2017. Expected product market reforms and technology adoption by Senegalese onion producers. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 99(4): 1096–1115.
Billah, Masum; Saha, Kuntal Kumar; Khan, Abdullah Nurus Salam; Chowdhury, Ashfaqul Haq; Garnett, Sarah P.; Arifeen, S. E.; and Menon, Purnima. 2017. Quality of nutrition services in primary health care facilities: Implications for integrating nutrition into the health system in Bangladesh. PLoS One 12(5): e0178121:
Binam, Joachim N.; Place, Frank M.; Djalal, Arinloye A.; and Kalinganire, Antoine. 2017. Effects of local institutions on the adoption of agroforestry innovations: evidence of farmer managed natural regeneration and its implications for rural livelihoods in the Sahel. Agricultural and Food Economics 5(2).
Birthal, Pratap Singh; Chand, Ramesh; Joshi, Pramod Kumar; Saxena, Raka; Rajkhowa, Pallavi; Khan, Md. Tajuddin; Khan, Arshad; Chaudhary, Khyali R. 2017. Formal versus informal: Efficiency, inclusiveness and financing of dairy value chains in Indian Punjab. Journal of Rural Studies 54(August 2017): 288-303.
Blare, Trent; Donovan, Jason; del Pozo, Cesar. Estimates of the willingness to pay for locally grown tree fruits in Cusco, Peru. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems. First published online on June 21, 2017.
Bouët, Antoine; Cosnard, Lionel; and Laborde Debucquet, David. 2017. Measuring trade integration in Africa. Journal of Economic Integration 32(4): 937-977.
Bouët, Antoine; Laborde Debucquet, David; and Traoré, Fousseini. 2018. The European Union–West Africa Economic Partnership Agreement: Small impact and new questions. The Journal of International Trade & Economic Development 27(1): 25-53. Published online: 20 Jun 2017.
Brown, Molly E.; Carr, Edward R.; Grace, Kathryn L.; Wiebe, Keith D.; Funk, Christopher C.; Attavanich, Witsanu; Backlund, Peter; Buja, Lawrence. 2017. Do markets and trade help or hurt the global food system adapt to climate change? Food Policy 68 (April 2017): 154–159.
Callo-Concha, Daniel; Denich, Manfred; Ul Hassan, Muhammad Mehmood; Place, Frank M.; Wardell, D. Andrew. 2017. Lessons for research, capacity development and policy in agroforestry for development. Agroforestry Systems 91(5): 795-798.
Cipollina, Maria; Laborde Debucquet, David; and Salvatici, Luca. 2017. The tide that does not raise all boats: An assessment of EU preferential trade policies. Review of World Economics 153(1): 199-231.
de Brauw, Alan. 2017. Does immigration reduce wages? Cato Journal 37(3): 473-480.
de Brauw, Alan; and Giles, John. 2017. Migrant opportunity and the educational attainment of youth in rural China. Journal of Human Resources 52(1): 272-311.
de Brauw, Alan; Mueller, Valerie; and Woldehanna, Tassew. Does internal migration improve overall well-being in Ethiopia? Journal of African Economies. First published online on December 5, 2017.
Diao, Xinshen and McMillan, Margaret S. Toward an understanding of economic growth in Africa: A reinterpretation of the Lewis model. World Development. Article in press. Available online 26 January 2017.
Diao, Xinshen; Harttgen, Kenneth; and McMillan, Margaret S. 2017. The changing structure of Africa's economies. The World Bank Economic Review 31(2): 412-433.
Dongol, Prabin; Thapa, Ganesh; and Kumar, Anjani. 2017. Adoption of milk safety measures and its impact on milk acceptance by buyers in Nepal. Agricultural Economics Research Review 30(1): 93-103.
Donovan, Jason; Stoian, Dietmar; and Poe, Keith. 2017. Value chain development in Nicaragua: prevailing approaches and tools used for design and implementation. Enterprise Development and Microfinance 28(1-2): 10-27.
Doss, Cheryl; Meinzen-Dick, Ruth Suseela; Quisumbing, Agnes R.; and Theis, Sophie. 2018. Women in agriculture: Four myths. Global Food Security 16(March 2018): 69-74. Available online 6 November 2017.
Ebata, Ayako; and Hernandez, Manuel A. 2017. Linking smallholder farmers to markets on extensive and intensive margins: Evidence from Nicaragua. Food Policy 73(2017): 34-44.
ElDidi, Hagar; and Corbera, Esteve. 2017. A moral economy of water: Charity wells in Egypt's Nile delta. Development and Change 48 (1): 121-145.
Evans, David K.; Holtemeyer, Brian; and Kosec, Katrina. Cash transfers and health: Evidence from Tanzania. World Bank Economic Review. Article in press. First published online April 6, 2017.
Gelli, Aulo; Aberman, Noora-Lisa; Margolies, Amy; Santacroce, Marco; Baulch, Bob; and Chirwa, Ephraim. 2017. Lean-season food transfers affect children’s diets and household food security: Evidence from a quasi-experiment in Malawi. Journal of Nutrition 147(5): 869-878.
Getnet, Kindie; Mekuria, Wolde; Langan, Simon; Rivington, Mike; Novo, Paula; and Black, Helaina. 2017. Ecosystem-based interventions and farm household welfare in degraded areas: Comparative evidence from Ethiopia. Agricultural Systems 154 (June 2017): 53–62.
Ghebru, Hosaena; and Lambrecht, Isabel. 2017. Drivers of perceived land tenure (in)security: Empirical evidence from Ghana. Land Use Policy. 66(July 2017): 293-303.
Gumma, Murali K.; Mohammad, Irshad; Nedumaran, Swamikannu; Whitbread, Anthony; Lagerkvist, Carl J. 2017. Urban Sprawl and Adverse Impacts on Agricultural Land: A Case Study on Hyderabad, India. Remote Sens. 9, no. 11: 1136.
Gupta, Sunipa Das; Minten, Bart; Rao, N. Chandrasekhara; and Reardon, Thomas. The rapid diffusion of herbicides in farming in India: Patterns, determinants, and effects on labor productivity. European Journal of Development Research 29(3): 596-613.
Haggblade, Steven; Minten, Bart; Pray, Carl E.; Reardon, Thomas; and Zilberman, David. 2017. The Herbicide Revolution in Developing Countries: Patterns, Causes, and Implications. European Journal of Development Research 29(3): 533–559.
Harou, Aurélie P.; Liu, Yanyan; Barrett, Christopher B.; You, Liangzhi. 2017. Variable returns to fertiliser use and the geography of poverty: Experimental and simulation evidence from Malawi. Journal of African Economies: 1-30.
Hatzenbuehler, Patrick L; Abbott, Philip C.; Abdoulaye, Tahirou. 2017. Evaluation of Nigerian agricultural production data. African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 12 (2): 125-141:
Healy, Andrew; Kosec, Katrina; and Mo, Cecilia Hyunjung. 2017. Economic development, mobility, and political discontent: An experimental test of Tocqueville’s thesis in Pakistan. American Political Science Review 111(3): 605-621.
Henriksson, Patrik John Gustav;Tran, Nhuong; Mohan, Chadag Vishnumurthy; Chan, Chin Yee; Rodriguez, U.-Primo; Mateos, Lara Dominguez; Utomo, Nur Bambang Priyo; and Hall, Stephen. Indonesian aquaculture futures – Evaluating environmental and socioeconomic potentials and limitations. Journal of Cleaner Production. Article in Press. First published online on June 16, 2017.
Hernandez, Manuel A.; Rashid, Shahidur; Lemma, Solomon; and Kuma, Tadesse. 2017. Market institutions and price relationships: The case of coffee in the Ethiopian Commodity Exchange. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 99(3): 683-704.
Hirvonen, Kalle and Hoddinott, John F. 2017. Agricultural production and children's diets: evidence from rural Ethiopia. Agricultural Economics 48(4): 469-480.
Hirvonen, Kalle; Hoddinott, John F.; Minten, Bart; and Stifel, David. 2017. Children’s diets, nutrition knowledge, and access to markets. World Development 95(July 2017): 303-315.
Hoddinott, John F.; Ahmed, Akhter; Karachiwalla, Naureen; and Roy, Shalini. 2018. Nutrition behaviour change communication causes sustained effects on IYCN knowledge in two cluster-randomised trials in Bangladesh. Maternal & Child Nutrition 14(1): e12498. First published: 07 August 2017
Hoddinott, John F.; Ahmed, I; Ahmed, Akhter; Roy, Shalini; and Roy, Shalini. Behavior change communication activities improve infant and young child nutrition knowledge and practice of neighboring non-participants in a cluster-randomized trial in rural Bangladesh. PLoS ONE 12(6): e0179866.
Houssou, Nazaire; Diao, Xinshen; Asante-Addo, Collins; and Kolavalli, Shashidhara. 2017. Development of the capital service market in agriculture: The emergence of tractor-hire services in Ghana. The Journal of Developing Areas 551(1): 241-257. Project MUSE.
Hu, Chaoran; Zhang, Xiaobo; Reardon, Thomas; and Hernandez, Ricardo. 2017. Value-chain clusters and aquaculture innovation in Bangladesh. Food Policy.
Hua, Chunlin; Woodward, Richard T.; and You, Liangzhi. 2017. An ex-post evaluation of agricultural extension programs for reducing fertilizer input in Shaanxi, China. Sustainability 9(4): 566.
Janssens, Wendy; Kramer, Berber N.; and Swart, Lisette. Be patient when measuring hyperbolic discounting: Stationarity, time consistency and time invariance in a field experiment. Journal of Development Economics 126 (May 2017): 77-90.
Johnson, Michael E.; and Dorosh, Paul A. 2017. Tariffs, smuggling and economic welfare: A spatial analysis of Nigerian rice policy options. Journal of African Economies 26(4): 516-538.
Karachiwalla, Naureen and Park, Albert. 2017. Promotion incentives in the public sector: Evidence from Chinese schools. Journal of Public Economics 146 (February 2017): 109–128.
Kassie, Girma T.; Abdulai, Awudu; Greene, William H.; Shiferaw, Bekele; Abate, Tsedeke; Tarekegne, Amsal; and Sutcliffe, Chloe. 2017. Modeling preference and willingness to pay for drought tolerance (DT) in maize in rural Zimbabwe. World Development 94: 465-477.
Khan, Hassaan F.; Yang, Y. C. Ethan; Ringler, Claudia; Wi, Sungwook; Cheema, Muhammad Jehanzeb Masud; and Basharat, Muhammad. 2017. Guiding groundwater policy in the Indus Basin of Pakistan using a physically based groundwater model. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 143(3): 05016014.
Kieran, Caitlin; Sproule, Kathryn; Quisumbing, Agnes R.; and Doss, Cheryl R. 2017. Gender gaps in landownership across and within households in four Asian countries. Land Economics 93 (2): 342-370.
Komarek, Adam M.; Drogue, Sophie; Chenoune, Roza; Hawkins, James; Msangi, Siwa; Belhouchette, Hatem; and Flichman, Guillermo. 2017. Agricultural household effects of fertilizer price changes for smallholder farmers in central Malawi. Agricultural Systems 154(June 2017): 168-178.
Komarek, Adam M.; Spoor, Max; Feng, Shuyi; and Shi, Xiaoping. 2017. Income implications of political capital and agricultural land use in western China. China Agricultural Economic Review 9 (1): 93 - 110.
Kondylis, Florence; Mueller, Valerie; and Zhu, Siyao Jessica. 2017. Seeing is believing? Evidence from an extension network experiment. Journal of Development Economics 125(March 2017): 1-20.
Kosec, Katrina; Ghebru, Hosaena; Holtemeyer, Brian; Mueller, Valerie; Schmidt, Emily. 2018. The effect of land access on youth employment and migration decisions: Evidence from rural Ethiopia. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 100(3): 931-954. Published online: 28 December 2017.
Kosec, Katrina; and Mo, Cecilia Hyunjung. 2017. Aspirations and the role of social protection: evidence from a natural disaster in rural Pakistan. World Development 97(September 2017): 49-66.
Krause, Marlen S.; Nkonya, Ephraim M.; and Griess, Verena C. 2017. An economic valuation of ecosystem services based on perceptions of rural Ethiopian communities. Ecosystem Services 26 (A): 37-44.
Kristjanson, Patricia; Bryan, Elizabeth; Bernier, Quinn; Twyman, Jennifer; Meinzen-Dick, Ruth Suseela; Kieran, Caitlin; Ringler, Claudia; Jost, Christine; and Doss, Cheryl. 2017. Addressing gender in agricultural research for development in the face of a changing climate: Where are we and where should we be going? International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 15(5): 482-500.
Kumar, Anjani; Kumar, Praduman; and Joshi, Pramod Kumar. 2017. Food consumption pattern and dietary diversity in Nepal: Implications for nutrition security. Indian Journal of Human Development 10(3): 1-17:
Kumar, Anjani; Parappurathu, Shinoj; Babu Suresh Chandra; and Joshi, Pramod Kumar. 2017. Can better governance improve food security? An assessment of the public food distribution system in Odisha, India. Food Security 9(6): 1433-1445.
Kumar, Anjani; Thapa, Ganesh; Roy, Devesh; and Joshi, Pramod Kumar. 2017. Adoption of food safety measures on milk production in Nepal: Impact on smallholders’ farm-gate prices and profitability. Food Policy 70: 13-26:
Laborde Debucquet, David; Martin, Will; and van der Mensbrugghe, Dominique. 2017. Measuring the impacts of global trade reform with optimal aggregators of distortions. Review of International Economics 25 (2) pp. 403-425:
Le Port, Agnès; Bernard, Tanguy; Hidrobo, Melissa; Birba, Ousmane; Rawat, Rahul; and Ruel, Marie T. 2017. Delivery of iron-fortified yoghurt, through a dairy value chain program, increases hemoglobin concentration among children 24 to 59 months old in northern Senegal: A cluster-randomized control trial. PLoS One 12(2): e0172198.
Li, Lihua; Varua, Maria Estela; Komarek, Adam M.; Shankar, Sriram; and Bellotti, William D. 2017. The interplay of production commercialisation and specialization: An empirical study on Chinese smallholders. China Agricultural Economic Review 9(4): 504-521.
Li, Man; Xu, Wenchao; and Rosegrant, Mark W. Irrigation, risk aversion, and water right priority under water supply uncertainty. 2017. Water Resources Research 53(9): 7885-7903.
Li, Tao; Angeles, Olivyn; Marcaida, Manuel; Manalo, Emmali; Manalili, Mervin Pogs; Radanielson, Ando; and Mohanty, Samarendu. 2017. From ORYZA2000 to ORYZA (v3): An improved simulation model for rice in drought and nitrogen-deficient environments. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 237 (2017): 246-256.
Lu, Miao; Wu, Wenbin; You, Liangzhi; Chen, Di; Zhang, Li; Yang, Peng; and Tang, Huajun. 2017. A synergy cropland of China by fusing multiple existing maps and statistics. Sensors 17(7): 1613.
Malapit, Hazel Jean L.; Sproule, Kathryn; and Kovarik, Chiara. 2017. Using cognitive interviewing to improve the Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index survey instruments: Evidence from Bangladesh and Uganda. Agri-Gender 2(2): 1-22.
McLain, Rebecca; Lawry, Steven; and Ojanen, Maria. 2018. Fisheries’ property regimes and environmental outcomes: A realist synthesis review. World Development 102(2018): 213-227. Available online 5 November 2017.
Meinzen-Dick, Ruth Suseela; Quisumbing, Agnes R.; Doss, Cheryl; and Theis, Sophie. Women's land rights as a pathway to poverty reduction: Framework and review of available evidence. Agricultural Systems. Article in press. First published online on November 8, 2017.
Minten, Bart; Assefa, Thomas Woldu; and Hirvonen, Kalle. Can Agricultural Traders be Trusted? Evidence from Coffee in Ethiopia. World Development 90(February 2017): 77 - 88.
Minten, Bart; Dereje, Mekdim; Engida, Ermias; and Kuma, Tadesse. Coffee value chains on the move: Evidence in Ethiopia. Food Policy. Article in Press. First published online on August 5, 2017:
Mogues, Tewodaj; and Anson, Richard. 2018. How comparable are cross-country data on agricultural public expenditures? Global Food Security 16(March 2018): 46-53. Available online 22 September 2017
Mtimet, Nadhem; Baker, Derek; Ouma, Emily. Analysing pig traders in Uganda: sampling issues, marketing activities, and constraint analysis. Development in Practice. First available October 23, 2017.
Mueller, Valerie; Billings, Lucy; Mogues, Tewodaj; Peterman, Amber; Wineman, Ayala. Filling the legal void? Impacts of a community-based legal aid program on women’s land-related knowledge, attitudes, and practices. Oxford Development Studies. Published online: 19 Dec 2017
Mwabutwa, Chance; and Pauw, Karl. 2017. Tracking agricultural spending when government structures and accounting systems change: The case of Malawi. African Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 12(2): 111-124.
Narayanan, Sudha; Das, Upasak; Liu, Yanyan; and Barrett, Christopher B. 2017. The “Discouraged Worker Effect” in public works programs: Evidence from the MGNREGA in India. World Development 100(December 2017): 31-44.
Naziri, Diego; Mayanja, Sarah; Ssemwanga, James; and Donovan, Jason. 2017. Approaches and tools for inclusive value chain development: lessons from Uganda for improved impact. Enterprise Development and Microfinance 28(4): 323-341.
Oduol, Judith; Mithöfer, Dagmar; Place, Frank M.; Nang'ole, Eddah; Olwande, John; Kirimi, Lilian; Mathenge, Mary. 2017. Women's participation in high value agricultural commodity chains in Kenya: Strategies for closing the gender gap. Journal of Rural Studies 50(February 2017): 228-239.
Ogunniyi, Adebayo; Oluseyi, Olagunju Kehinde; Adeyemi, Ogundipe; Kabir, Salman K.; and Phillips, Francis. 2017. Scaling up agricultural innovation for inclusive livelihood and productivity outcomes in sub-Saharan Africa: The case of Nigeria. African Development Review 29(S2): 121-134.
Palazzo, Amanda; Vervoort, Joost M.; Mason-D’Croz, Daniel; Rutting, Lucas; Havlík, Petr; Islam, Shahnila; Bayala, Jules; Valin, Hugo; Kadi Kadi, Hame; Thornton, Philip; and Zougmore, Robert. 2017. Linking regional stakeholder scenarios and shared socioeconomic pathways: Quantified West African food and climate futures in a global context. Global Environmental Change 45(July 2017): 227-242.
Palloni, Giordano. 2017. Childhood health and the wantedness of male and female children. Journal of Development Economics 126(May 2017): 19 - 32.
Ragasa, Catherine; and Chapoto, Anthony. 2017. Limits to green revolution in rice in Africa: The case of Ghana. Land Use Policy 66: 304-321.
Ragasa, Catherine; and Chapoto, Antony. 2017. Moving in the right direction? The role of price subsidies in fertilizer use and maize productivity in Ghana. Food Security 9(2): 329 – 353.
Raghunathan, Kalyani; Chakrabarti, Suman; Menon, Purnima; and Alderman, Harold. 2017. Deploying the power of social protection to improve nutrition. What Will It Take? Economic and Political Weekly 52(46): 90-98.
Ratner, Blake D.; So, Sovannarith; Mam, Koshal; Oeur, II; and Kim, Sour. 2017. Conflict and collective action in Tonle Sap fisheries: Adapting governance to support community livelihoods. Natural Resources Forum.
Ratner, Blake D; Burnley, Clementine; Mugisha, Samuel; Madzudzo, Elias; Oeur, Il; Mam, Kosal; Rüttinger, Lukas; Chilufya, Loziwe Njobvu; and Adriázola, Paola. 2017. Facilitating multi-stakeholder dialogue to manage natural resource competition: A synthesis of lessons from Uganda, Zambia, and Cambodia. International Journal of the Commons 11(2): 733–753.
Ratner, Blake D; Meinzen-Dick, Ruth Suseela; Hellin, Jon; Mapedza, Everisto; Unruh, Jon D.; Veening, Wouter; Haglund, Eric; May, Candace; and Bruch, Carl. 2017. Addressing conflict through collective action in natural resource management. International Journal of the Commons 11(2): 877-906.
Raymundo, Rubí; Asseng, Senthold; Robertson, Richard D.; Petsakos, Athanasios; Hoogenboom, Gerrit; Quiroz, Roberto; Hareau, Guy; and Wolf, Joost. Climate change impact on global potato production. European Journal of Agronomy. Article in press. First published online on December 1, 2017.
Resnick, Danielle. 2017. Democracy, decentralization, and district proliferation: The case of Ghana. Political Geography 59 (July 2017): 47-60.
Roza, Chenoune; Allen, Thomas; Komarek, Adam M.; Sergio, Gomez y Paloma; Guillermo, Flichman; Alain, Capillon; and Hatem, Belhouchette. Assessing consumption-production-resources nexus decisions for rice-focused agricultural households in Sierra Leone. Land Use Policy 67(September 2017): 597-607:
Savary, S.; Bregaglio, S.; Willocquet, L.; Gustafson, David; Mason d'Croz, Daniel; Sparks, A.; Castilla, N.; Djurle, A.; Allinne, C.; Sharma, Mamta; Rossi, V.; Amorim, L.; Bergamin, A.; Yuen, J.; Esker, P.; McRoberts, Neil; Avelino, J.; Duveiller, Etienne; Koo, Jawoo; Garrett, K. 2017. Crop health and its global impacts on the components of food security. Food Security 9(2): 311-327.
Seymour, Gregory. 2017. Women's empowerment in agriculture: Implications for technical efficiency in rural Bangladesh. Agricultural Economics 48(4): 513–522.
Sharma, Ramesh; Kumar, Anjani; and Joshi, Pramod Kumar. 2017. Nepal-India agricultural trade: Trends, issues and prospects. Agricultural Economics Research Review 30(2): 245-263.
Singh, Piara; Boote, K.J.; Kadiyala, M.D.M.; Nedumaran, S.; Gupta, S.K.; Srinivas, K.; and Bantilan, M.C.S. 2017. An assessment of yield gains under climate change due to genetic modification of pearl millet. Science of the Total Environment 601–602 (2017): 1226-1237.
Spielman, David J.; Zaidi, Fatima; Zambrano, Patricia; Khan, Asif Ali; Ali, Shaukat; Cheema, Masooma Naseer; Nazli, Hina; Khan, Sohail Ahmad; Iqbal, Arshad; Zia, Muhammad Amir; and Ali, Ghulam Muhammad. 2017. What are farmers really planting? Measuring the presence and effectiveness of Bt cotton in Pakistan. PLoS ONE 12(5): e0176592.
Stifel, David; and Minten, Bart. 2017. Market access, well-being, and nutrition: Evidence from Ethiopia. World Development 90(February 2017): 229 - 241.
Taffesse, Alemayehu Seyoum and Tadesse, Fanaye. 2017. Pathways Less Explored—Locus of Control and Technology Adoption. Journal of African Economies 26(Supplement 1): i36-i72. on July 4, 2017:
Takeshima, Hiroyuki; Adhikari, Rajendra Prasad; Shivakoti, Sabnam; Kaphle, Basu Dev; and Kumar, Anjani. 2017. Heterogeneous returns to chemical fertilizer at the intensive margins: Insights from Nepal. Food Policy 69 (May 2017): 97-109.
Tamru, Seneshaw; Minten, Bart; Alemu, Dawit; and Bachewe, Fantu Nisrane. 2017. The Rapid Expansion of Herbicide Use in Smallholder Agriculture in Ethiopia: Patterns, Drivers, and Implications. European Journal of Development Research 29(3): 628–647.
Téno,Gabriel; and Cadilhon, Jean-Joseph. 2017. Capturing the impacts of agricultural innovation platforms: An empirical evaluation of village crop-livestock development platforms in Burkina Faso. Livestock Research for Rural Development 29(9).
Tesfaye, Kindie; Kruseman, Gideon; Cairns, Jill E.; Zaman-Allah, Mainassara; and Wegary, Dagne; et al. Potential benefits of drought and heat tolerance for adapting maize to climate change in tropical environments. Climate Risk Management. Article in press. First published online on October 16, 2017.
Toth, Gregory G.; Nair, P. K. Ramachandran; Duffy, Colm P.; and Franzel, Steven C. Constraints to the adoption of fodder tree technology in Malawi. Sustainability Science. First published online on August 4, 2017.
Tran, Nhuong; Rodriguez, U.-Primo; Chan, Chin Yee; Philips, Michael John; Mohan, Chadag Vishnumurthy; Henriksson, Patrik John Gustav; Koeshendrajana, Sonny; Suri, Sharon; and Hall, Stephen. 2017. Indonesian aquaculture futures: An analysis of fish supply and demand in Indonesia to 2030 and role of aquaculture using the AsiaFish model. Marine Policy 79: pp. 25-32:
Vandercasteelen, Joachim; Beyene, Seneshaw Tamru; Minten, Bart; and Swinnen, Johan. 2018. Cities and agricultural transformation in Africa: Evidence from Ethiopia. World Development 105 (May): 383-399. Available online 16 December 2017.
Wang, Guiling; Ahmed, Kazi Farzan; You, Liangzhi; Yu, Miao; Pal, Jeremy; and Ji, Zhenming. 2017. Projecting regional climate and cropland changes using a linked biogeophysical-socioeconomic modeling framework: 1. Model description and an equilibrium application over West Africa. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 9(1): 377-388.
Wei, Shang-Jin; Xie, Zhuan; and Zhang, Xiaobo. 2017. From "Made in China" to "Innovated in China": Necessity, prospect, and challenges. Journal of Economic Perspectives 31(1): 49-70.
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Xie, Hua; You, Liangzhi [游良志]; and Takeshima, Hiroyuki. 2017. Invest in small-scale irrigated agriculture: A national assessment on potential to expand small-scale irrigation in Nigeria. Agricultural Water Management 193(November 2017): 251-264.
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Yeboah, Felix Kwame; Jayne, Thomas S. Africa’s evolving employment trends: implications for economic transformation. AfricaGrowth Agenda, Volume 2017 Number 1, Jan 2017, p. 18 – 22
Yu, Qiangyi; Wu, Wenbin; You, Liangzhi; Zhu, Tingju; van Vliet, Jasper; Verburg, Peter H.; Liu, Zhenhuan; Li, Zhengguo; Yang, Peng; Zhou, Qingbo; and Tang, Huajun. 2017. Assessing the harvested area gap in China. Agricultural Systems 153 (May 2017): 212–220.
Zhang, Xiaobo; Yang, Jin; and Thomas, Reardon. 2017. Mechanization outsourcing clusters and division of labor in Chinese agriculture. China Economic Review 43(April 2017): 184-195.
Zhang, Xin; Zhang, Xiaobo; and Chen, Xi. 2017. Happiness in the air: How does a dirty sky affect mental health and subjective well-being? Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 85(September 2017): 81-94.
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Zhang, Yumei; Filipski, Mateusz J.; and Chen, Kevin Z. 2017. Health insurance and medical impoverishment in rural China: Evidence from Guizhou province. The Singapore Economic Review 62(1).
PIM News: December 2021
Information and communications technology and agricultural extension in developing countries