Frank Place named Director, CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets


by PIM | July 3, 2018

Dr. Frank Place has been selected as the next director of the CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions and Markets (PIM), effective August 1, 2018. He will be replacing Dr. Karen Brooks, PIM director since 2012, who will retire in July.

Frank has worked with PIM since its inception in 2012.  In 2014 he joined IFPRI as Senior Research Fellow in the PIM Program Management Unit. His primary duties included oversight of monitoring and evaluation for PIM, coordination of impact assessment, and early leadership of the program’s cluster of work on technology adoption and impact. Through his role in the Program Management Unit, Frank has participated in management committee meetings, in planning of the annual extended team meetings, and in all reporting for the PIM program.  In addition, he sits on the Advisory Committee for the CGIAR Collaborative Platform for Gender Research and the Steering Committee for the CGIAR Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Community of Practice.

Prior to joining PIM/IFPRI in 2014, Frank worked for the World Agroforestry Center (ICRAF) for 20 years, based in Nairobi. His main research areas were adoption of agroforestry, land and tree tenure, and soil fertility management. Prior to working at ICRAF, he led a Land Tenure Center project based in Africa and worked at the World Bank in Washington, both focused on property rights. He received a PhD in Economics from the University of Wisconsin in 1988.

Frank Place: CV and publications

Also read:

Two months as PIM Director: Interview with Frank Place