Thursday, 6 February 2020, 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM EST
Organized by the USAID Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Food Security Policy Research, Capacity, and Influence (PRCI), the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), and the CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM)
There is growing recognition of the importance of gender issues in policy and research. Gender equality is recognized as one of the Sustainable Development Goals, and is key to achieving most of the other goals as well. Yet it is often not clear what this means, in practice, or what kinds of knowledge and interventions are needed to contribute to these goals.
This webinar discusses key gender issues and entry points for policy research and outreach, focusing on processes for integrating gender into each stage of the research process, including priority setting, research design, methodologies, conduct of research, and communications for impact.
Women in agriculture: Four myths (webinar with Cheryl Doss (University of Oxford), Agnes Quisumbing (IFPRI), Ruth Meinzen-Dick (IFPRI))
The Women’s Empowerment in Agriculture Index – What have we learned? (webinar with Hazel Malapit (IFPRI) and Cheryl Doss (University of Oxford))
Cash transfer programs and intimate partner violence – Lessons from 3 case studies around the globe (webinar with Melissa Hidrobo and Shalini Roy (IFPRI))
Collecting sex-disaggregated agricultural data through surveys (webinar with Cheryl Doss (Yale University) and Caitlin Kieran (PIM/IFPRI))
See our full webinar collection here and subscribe if you want to receive invitations to the future virtual events.
Photo: Milo Mitchell/IFPRI