In their Devex blog Measuring the unintended benefits of a development program, Akhter Ahmed, Ishita Ahmed, John Hoddinott, Melissa Hidrobo, and Shalini Roy share their experience of evaluating the Transfer Modality Research Initiative in Bangladesh, focusing on the TMRI unintended benefits, which include reduction in intimate partner violence and improved nutrition knowledge and practices of community members who were not part of the program. (Cross-cutting work between flagship 4 and 6)
Melissa Hidrobo presented findings from the study Cash transfers, polygamy, and intimate partner violence: Experimental evidence from Mali at the Centre for the Study of African Economies (CSAE) conference that took place in Oxford on March 17-19, 2019. (Cross-cutting work between flagship 4 and 6)
Shalini Roy presented findings from the study on the effects of transfers and behavior change communication on intimate partner violence, evidence from rural Bangladesh at the CSW side-event “Leveraging cash transfers to reduce intimate partner violence at scale” on March 13, and then on March 18 at the World Bank’s event “Experts Join Your Team for a Day: Addressing GBV - Evidence from randomized control trials.”(Cross-cutting work between flagship 4 and 6)
Ambler, Kate; and de Brauw, Alan. 2019. Household labor supply and social protection: Evidence from Pakistan’s BISP cash transfer program. IFPRI Discussion Paper 1815. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
Deininger, Klaus; and Liu, Yanyan. 2019. Heterogeneous welfare impacts of National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme: Evidence from Andhra Pradesh, India. World Development 117(May 2019): 98-111.
Ecker, Olivier; Maystadt, Jean-François; and Guo, Zhe. 2019. Can unconditional cash transfers mitigate the impact of civil conflict on acute child malnutrition in Yemen? Evidence from the national social protection monitoring survey. MENA RP Working Paper 17. Washington, DC and Cairo, Egypt: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).
Margolies, Amy; Kalagho, Kenan; Kazembe, Cynthia. 2019. Examining perceptions of food assistance on household food security and resilience in Malawi. MaSSP Policy Note 32. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI).