Congratulations to our colleagues Kate Ambler, Alan de Brauw, and Susan Godlonton whose paper "Measuring post-harvest losses at the farm level in Malawi” received the 2018 AARES-Wiley Blackwell Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (AJARE) Award for Best Paper.
In this blog, Markus Goldstein discusses the new paper by Bernard et al on intrahousehold decision making, which shows that the roles people take within the household matter a lot for real outcomes.
Development programs often have a bigger impact than we intend – or even measure. The Transfer Modality Research Initiative in Bangladesh not only led to improved food security and nutrition, but also had a range of unintended benefits. In this Devex oped, our social protection team colleagues explain how this happened.
A new IFPRI discussion paper examines the economywide impact of promoting renewable power generation in the Philippines. The green growth strategy would allow the country to reduce carbon emission, improve energy security, and achieve significant health co-benefits.
It is often argued that the more researchers engage with policymakers, the more likely that their evidence will be used in policy decisions; also, that engagement is enhanced when researchers reside in the countries where they are conducting research. These notions were put to the test in a recent set of studies...
In Nepal, bureaucrats’ local knowledge and motivation make a difference in serving rural farmers. Danielle Resnick and Jordan Kyle share recent research findings on agricultural extension service provision from Nepal.
The Structural Transformation of African Agriculture and Rural Spaces (STAARS) fellowship program managed by Cornell University in collaboration with PIM and other partners calls for concept proposals from early-career African researchers seeking to become STAARS fellows in 2019. Application deadline: March 1, 2019.
In this part-time position Prof. Jayne will assist the Bank’s efforts to build the African Development Institute and to promote collaborative partnerships with African governments, national African research institutes, and international universities.
Climate change matters for all people. Does it matter particularly for young people? If so, where and how? Join our webinar with Karen Brooks and Keith Wiebe on February 7 to discuss!