In the era of big data, unmanned drones, and satellite remote sensing, our knowledge of crop growing locations remains surprisingly
Interview with Kristin Davis, PIM lead for Advisory Services within Research Flagship 3: Adoption of Technology and Sustainable Intensification, Research Fellow
The year 2014 marks an historic opportunity to communicate the importance of research on sustainable agriculture to stakeholders involved in
Women make up about half of the labor force in Ethiopia. While their contributions are plentiful, women and girls face discrimination when
This synopsis and related video present highlights from the international conference “Building Resilience for Food and Nutrition Security,” organized by
Given the increased attention to gender research, both within CGIAR and among external partners and donors, researchers are often expected
Cross-posted from A4NH Gender-Nutrition Blog This month we’re continuing a conversation we started in May with two gender researchers from the
The following is a slightly modified version of a story that was originally published on IFPRI’s Food Security Portal. Cross-posted
Cross-posted from A4NH On June 18th, IFPRI hosted a one-day workshop in Dhaka, Bangladesh, entitled “Gender and Agriculture: A Focus