

Join the virtual Book Launch event on November 23, 2021 - 09:00 AM - 10:15 AM EST!
This webinar on November 22, 2021 will present key findings from PIM's value chains research in 2017-2021 in 3 areas: VC innovations; use of VC for scaling CGIAR solutions; and interactions between research and practice for VC development.
EnGendering Data Blog
ANEW will generate evidence on whether and how producer and marketing associations empower women while improving market linkages.
The new CGIAR book looks at how agricultural and environmental research and development contribute to gender equality and women’s empowerment.
Extension is a critical pathway from scientific discovery to durable impact at scale, as farmers and other actors in the rural economy learn, adapt, and innovate with new technologies and practices. This webinar presents selected findings from PIM research on agricultural extension and advisory services and provides recommendations for improving extension in the future.
EnGendering Data Blog
Understanding male engagement in traditionally female domains of domestic work is critically important for the study of agriculture and economic development. New EnGendering Data blog by Jessica Leight.
The game helps explore if new commercialization activities might result in land conflict, and stimulates more coordinated stakeholder collaboration.
Presentation by Ruth Meinzen-Dick (IFPRI/PIM) at the next FAO Water Tenure Mondays webinar on October 25, 2021.
Five policy briefs from CGIAR's Alliance of Bioversity and CIAT make the case for investment in development of common bean varieties and value chains.